Hi Krzysztof,

You can use the following configuration options to specify JM/TM addresses
and ports.
- jobmanager.rpc.address
- jobmanager.rpc.port
- taskmanager.host
- taskmanager.rpc.port

The configuration accepts both IP addresses and hostnames.

If you have two Flink Clusters, you can specify different JM address/ports
in your TM configurations, so the TM knows which JM to connect to.

Thank you~

Xintong Song

On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 6:38 AM KristoffSC <krzysiek.chmielew...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I was wondering how JobManager and TaskManager find each other?
> Do they use multicast for this?
> Can it be configure to use domain names instead IP's?
> What I have to do to have two Flink Clusters in same IP network?
> How I should start task manager in order to tell him, to connect to cluster
> B not A?
> Regards,
> Krzysztof
> --
> Sent from:
> http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/

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