Congrats Jingsong, well deserved!

Kurt Young <> 于2020年2月21日周五 上午11:05写道:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm very happy to announce that Jingsong Lee accepted the offer of the
> Flink PMC to
> become a committer of the Flink project.
> Jingsong Lee has been an active community member for more than a year now.
> He is
> mainly focus on Flink SQL, played an essential role during blink planner
> merging, drives
> FLIP-63 and helped implementing rework expression design, and also
> implemented
> and fixed lots of features and bugs in Flink SQL. Moreover, he is very
> active in both dev
> and user mailing lists, helped discussing designs and answering users
> questions, also
> helped to verify various releases.
> Congratulations Jingsong!
> Best, Kurt
> (on behalf of the Flink PMC)


Benchao Li
School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University

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