Hello Flink Users, I have a requirement to generate alerts for metrics like for example - if cpu utilization spike i.e *cpu_utilization > threshold* (>90%) n number of time in x minutes then generate alerts. For this I am using the CEP module. However, one of the requirements is for different devices the threshold can be different as ell as x and n in above statement. Moreover, for different device class this will be different, also this can change in future. I am thinking of using Broadcast State Pattern and enrich the metrics stream with this thresholds & rule and use it later in CEP pattern. One issue is how to make sure that if new threshold values come in how the broadcast stream will change. I have an understanding that if I can introduce a watermark in broadcast stream when values change the KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction will have latest values streamed. Is my understanding correct and if anyone has implemented something like this can weigh in if this is right way to do it.
Thanks, Hemant