Hi Izual, Thanks for reporting this! I'm also forwarding this to the user mailing list, as that is the more suitable place for this question.
I think the usability of the State Processor API in Scala is indeed something that hasn’t been looked at closely yet. On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 8:12 AM izual <izual...@163.com> wrote: > Hi community, > > When I use state in Scala, something makes confused, I followed these > steps to generate and read states: > > a. implements the example[1] `CountWindowAverage` in Scala(exactly same), > and run jobA => that makes good. > > b. execute `flink cancel -s ${JobID}` => savepoints was generated as > expected. > > c. implements the example[2] `StatefulFunctionWithTime` in Scala(code > below), and run jobB => failed, exceptions shows that "Caused by: > org.apache.flink.util.StateMigrationException: The new key serializer must > be compatible." > > > ReaderFunction code as below: > > ``` > > class ReaderFunction extends KeyedStateReaderFunction[Long, (Long, > Long)] { > > var countState: ValueState[(Long, Long)] = _ > > override def open(parameters: Configuration): Unit = { > > val stateDescriptor = new ValueStateDescriptor("average", > createTypeInformation[(Long, Long)]) > > countState = getRuntimeContext().getState(stateDescriptor) > > } > > override def readKey(key: Long, ctx: KeyedStateReaderFunction.Context, > out: Collector[(Long, Long)]): Unit = { > > out.collect(countState.value()) > > } > > } > > ``` > > d. then I try to use java.lang.Long instead of Long in key-type, and run > jobB => exception just disappeared and that makes good. > > This makes me confused. Did I miss some features in State-Processing-API, > such as `magic-implicits`? > This part is explainable. The "magic-implicits" actually happen in the DataStream Scala API. Any primitive Scala types will inferred and serialized as their Java counterparts. AFAIK, this would not happen in the State Processor API yet and therefore why you are getting the StateMigrationException. When using Scala types directly with the State Processor API, I would guess that Kryo (as a generic fallback) was being used to access state. This can probably be confirmed by looking at the exception stack trace. Can you post a full copy of that? This should be resolvable by properly supporting Scala for the State Processor API, but it's just that up to this point, we didn't have a plan for that yet. Can you open a JIRA for this? I think it'll be a reasonable extension to the API. > > And when I change `xxx.keyBy(_._1)` to `xxx.keyBy(0)`,same exception comes > again,this time I tried to use Tuple(java.lang.Long) or something else, but > does not work. > I'm not sure what you mean here. Where is this keyBy happening? In the Scala DataStream job, or the State Processor API? > > Hope. > > 1: > https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.9/dev/stream/state/state.html#using-managed-keyed-state > > 2: > https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.9/dev/stream/state/state.html#using-managed-keyed-state Cheers, Gordon