I tried the following. bsTableEnv.sqlUpdate("CREATE VIEW my_view AS SELECT * FROM sample1 FULL OUTER JOIN sample2 on sample1.f0=sample2.f0");
Table result = bsTableEnv.sqlQuery("select * from my_view"); It looks like https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-71+-+E2E+View+support+in+FLINK+SQL Views are not supported. Can I expect them to be supported in Flink 1.10? Currently, with Spark SQL when the query gets big I break it down into views and this is one of the most important features my application relies on. is there any workaround for this at the moment? Thanks! On Sat, Jan 18, 2020 at 6:24 PM kant kodali <kanth...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi All, > > Does Flink 1.9 support create or replace views syntax in raw SQL? like > spark streaming does? > > Thanks! >