
If you just want to make sure some key goes into the same subtask, does
custom key selector[1] help?

For the keygroup and subtask information, you can ref to
KeyGroupRangeAssignment[2] for more info, and the max parallelism logic you
can ref to doc[3]



杨东晓 <laolang...@gmail.com> 于2020年1月9日周四 上午7:47写道:

> Hi , I'm trying to do some optimize about Flink 'keyby' processfunction.
> Is there any possible I can find out one key belongs to which key-group
> and essentially find out one key-group belongs to which subtask.
> The motivation I want to know that is we want to  force the data records
> from upstream still goes to same taskmanager downstream subtask .Which
> means even if we use a keyedstream function we still want no cross jvm
> communication happened during run time.
> And if we can achieve that , can we also avoid the expensive cost for
> record serialization because data is only transferred in same taskmanager
> jvm instance?
> Thanks.

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