So I increased all the jobs to 1 minute checkpoint... I let you know how it
goes... Or of need to rethink gluster lol

On Sat., Jan. 4, 2020, 9:27 p.m. John Smith, <> wrote:

> It seems to have happened again... Here is a screen shot of the system
> metrics for that day on that particular node....
> On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 at 12:19, John Smith <> wrote:
>> Well there was this huge IO wait like over 140% spike. IO wait rose
>> slowly for couple hours then at some time it spiked at 140% and then after
>> IO wait dropped back to "normal" the CPU 1min 5min 15min spiked to like 3
>> times the number of cores for a bit.
>> We where at "peek" operation. I.e we where running a batch job when this
>> hapenned. On average operation the "business" requests per second from our
>> services is about 15 RPS when we do batches we can hit 600 RPS for a few
>> hours and then back down. Each business request underneath does a few round
>> trips back and forth between Kafka, cache systems Flink, DBs etc... So
>> Flink jobs are a subset of some parts of that 600 RPS.
>> On Flink side we 3 task managers of 4 cores 8GB which are configured as 8
>> slots, 5.4GB JVM, 3.77GB flink managed mem per task manager. We have 8 jobs
>> and 9 slots free. So the cluster isn't full yet. But we do see one node is
>> full.
>> We use disk FS state (backed by GlusterFS) not rocks DB. We had enabled 5
>> second checkpointing for 6 of the jobs... So just wondering if that was
>> possibly the reason for the IO wait... But regardless of the RPS mentioned
>> above the jobs will always checkpoint every 5 seconds... I had the chance
>> to increase checkpointing for a few of the jobs before the holidays. I am
>> back on Monday...
>> On Fri., Jan. 3, 2020, 11:16 a.m. Chesnay Schepler, <>
>> wrote:
>>> The logs show 2 interesting pieces of information:
>>> <tasks are submitted>
>>> ...
>>> 2019-12-19 18:33:23,278 INFO
>>> org.apache.kafka.clients.FetchSessionHandler                  - [Consumer
>>> clientId=consumer-4, groupId=ccccccdb-prod-import] Error sending fetch
>>> request (sessionId=INVALID, epoch=INITIAL) to node 0:
>>> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.DisconnectException.
>>> ...
>>> 2019-12-19 19:37:06,732 INFO
>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.TaskExecutor            - Could not
>>> resolve ResourceManager address 
>>> akka.tcp://flink@xxxxxx-job-0002:36835/user/resourcemanager,
>>> retrying in 10000 ms: Ask timed out on
>>> [ActorSelection[Anchor(akka.tcp://flink@xxxxxx-job-0002:36835/),
>>> Path(/user/resourcemanager)]] after [10000 ms]. Sender[null] sent message
>>> of type ""..
>>> This reads like the machine lost network connectivity for some reason.
>>> The tasks start failing because kafka cannot be reached, and the TM then
>>> shuts down because it can neither reach the ResourceManager.
>>> On 25/12/2019 04:34, Zhijiang wrote:
>>> If you use rocksDB state backend, it might consume extra native memory.
>>> Some resource framework cluster like yarn would kill the container if
>>> the memory usage exceeds some threshold. You can also double check whether
>>> it exists in your case.
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> From:John Smith <> <>
>>> Send Time:2019 Dec. 25 (Wed.) 03:40
>>> To:Zhijiang <> <>
>>> Cc:user <> <>
>>> Subject:Re: Flink task node shut it self off.
>>> The shutdown happened after the massive IO wait. I don't use any state
>>> Checkpoints are disk based...
>>> On Mon., Dec. 23, 2019, 1:42 a.m. Zhijiang, <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> Thanks for the positive comments of Flink usage. No matter at least-once
>>> or exactly-once you used for checkpoint, it would never lose one message
>>> during failure recovery.
>>> Unfortunatelly I can not visit the logs you posted. Generally speaking the
>>> longer internal checkpoint would mean replaying more source data after
>>> failure recovery.
>>> In my experience the 5 seconds interval for checkpoint is too
>>> frequently in my experience, and you might increase it to 1 minute or so.
>>> You can also monitor how long will the checkpoint finish in your
>>> application, then you can adjust the interval accordingly.
>>> Concerning of the node shutdown you mentioned, I am not quite sure
>>> whether it is relevant to your short checkpoint interval. Do you config to
>>> use heap state backend?  The hs_err file really indicated that you job
>>> had encountered the memory issue, then it is better to somehow increase
>>> your task manager memory. But if you can analyze the dump hs_err file via
>>> some profiler tool for checking the memory usage, it might be more helpful
>>> to find the root cause.
>>> Best,
>>> Zhijiang
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> From:John Smith <>
>>> Send Time:2019 Dec. 21 (Sat.) 05:26
>>> To:user <>
>>> Subject:Flink task node shut it self off.
>>> Hi, using Flink 1.8.0
>>> 1st off I must say Flink resiliency is very impressive, we lost a node
>>> and never lost one message by using checkpoints and Kafka. Thanks!
>>> The cluster is a self hosted cluster and we use our own zookeeper
>>> cluster. We have...
>>> 3 zookeepers: 4 cpu, 8GB (each)
>>> 3 job nodes: 4 cpu, 8GB (each)
>>> 3 task nodes: 4 cpu, 8GB (each)
>>> The nodes also share GlusterFS for storing savepoints and checkpoints,
>>> GlusterFS is running on the same machines.
>>> Yesterday a node shut itself off we the following log messages...
>>> - Stopping TaskExecutor
>>> akka.tcp://
>>> - Stop job leader service.
>>> - Stopping ZooKeeperLeaderRetrievalService /leader/resource_manager_lock.
>>> - Shutting down TaskExecutorLocalStateStoresManager.
>>> - Shutting down BLOB cache
>>> - Shutting down BLOB cache
>>> - removed file cache directory
>>> /tmp/flink-dist-cache-4b60d79b-1cef-4ffb-8837-3a9c9a205000
>>> - I/O manager removed spill file directory
>>> /tmp/flink-io-c9d01b92-2809-4a55-8ab3-6920487da0ed
>>> - Shutting down the network environment and its components.
>>> Prior to the node shutting off we noticed massive IOWAIT of 140% and CPU
>>> load 1minute of 15. And we also got an hs_err file which sais we should
>>> increase the memory.
>>> I'm attaching the logs here:
>>> I wonder if my 5 second checkpointing is too much for gluster.
>>> Any thoughts?

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