Hi Eva,
I'm not 100% sure if your use case can be solved with SQL. JOIN in SQL
always joins an incoming record with all previous arrived records. Maybe
Jark in CC has some idea?
It might make sense to use the DataStream API instead with a connect()
and CoProcessFunction where you can simply put the latest row into state
and perform the joining and emission of a new row when required.
On 18.12.19 23:44, Eva Eva wrote:
Hi Team,
I'm trying Flink for the first time and encountered an issue that I
would like to discuss and understand if there is a way to achieve my use
case with Flink.
*Use case:* I need to perform unbounded stream joins on multiple data
streams by listening to different Kafka topics. I have a scenario to
join a column in a table with multiple columns in another table by
avoiding duplicate joins. The main concern is that I'm not able to avoid
duplicate joins.
*Issue: *Given the nature of data, it is possible to have updates over
time, sent as new messages since Kafka is immutable. For a given key I
would like to perform join only on the latest message, whereas currently
Flink performs join against all messages with the key (this is what I'm
calling as duplicate joins issue).
Example: Say I have two Kafka streams "User" and "Task". And I want to
join "User" with multiple columns in "Task".
Join "UserID" in "User" with "PrimaryAssignee", "SecondaryAssignee" and
"Manager" in "Task".
Assuming I created and registered DataStreams.
Below is my query:
LEFT JOIN User ua ON t.PrimaryAssignee = ua.UserID
LEFT JOIN User ub ON t.SecondaryAssignee = ub.UserID
LEFT JOIN User uc ON t.Manager = uc.UserID
Say I have 5 different messages in Kafka with UserID=1000, I don't want
to perform 5 joins instead I want to perform join with the only latest
message with UserID=1000. Is there any way to achieve this without using
Temporal Table Functions?
*I cannot use Temporal Table Functions because of below reasons:*
1. I need to trigger JOIN operation for every new message in Kafka.
Whereas new messages in Temporal Table don't trigger JOIN operation.
2. I need to perform LEFT OUTER JOINS, whereas Temporal Table can only
be used for INNER JOINS
3. From what I understand, JOIN in Temporal Table can only be performed
using Primary key, so I won't be able to Join more than one key.
Could someone please help me with this? Please let me know if any of the
information is not clear or need more details.
If this is not the correct email id, could you please point me to the
correct one.
Thanks in advance!