
I have a use case where we are reading events from kinesis stream.The event
can look like this
Event {
  some other fields...

We want to aggregate the values per key for all events we have seen till
now (as simple as "select key1, key2, sum(value) from events group by key1,
key2key."). For this I have created a simple flink job which uses
flink-kinesis connector and applies keyby() and sum() on the incoming
events. I am facing two challenges here:

1) The incoming events can have duplicates. How to maintain exactly once
processing here, as processing duplicate events can give me erroneous
result? The field transaction_id will be unique for each events. If two
events have same transaction_id, we can say that they are duplicates (By
duplicates here, I don't just mean the retried ones. The same message can
be present in kinesis with different sequence number. I am not sure if
flink-kinesis connector can handle that, as it is using KCL underlying
which I assume doesn't take care of it)

2) There can be the the cases where the value has been updated for a key
after processing the event and we may want to reprocess those events with
new value. Since this is just a value change, the transaction_id will be
same. The idempotency logic will not allow to reprocess the events. What
are the ways to handle such scenarios in flink?


Warm Regards,
Pooja Agrawal

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