Thanks From: Robert Metzger [] Sent: Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2019 10:55 To: Tan, Min Cc: vino yang; user Subject: [External] Re: Access to CheckpointStatsCounts
Hey Min, If checking for empty map states works for you, this could be an option, yes. Alternatively, check this out: CheckpointedFunction.initializeState() will pass you a FunctionInitializationContext, which has a method called ".isRestored()" Best, Robert On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 10:18 AM <<>> wrote: Dear Robert, Thank you very much for sending your reply. What we try to achieve is that 1) In a normal situation, checkpoints or save points are preserved, an application restarts from one of these paths (with configurations are kept in Map states). 2) Sometimes, e.g. during a version update (with a modified Kafka topic name), we could be un able to re start the application from one of these checkpoints or savepoints. We have to re start from scratch. We like to detect if a job starts from a checkpoint or starts from a scratch inside the main method. Then we can let a broadcast stream reading from the "earliest" or "latest" of a Kafka topic for configurations. Or should we just check if the map states are empty insead? Regards, Min From: Robert Metzger [<>] Sent: Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2019 09:47 To: Tan, Min Cc: vino yang; user Subject: [External] Re: Access to CheckpointStatsCounts Hey Min, when a Flink job recovers after a failure, the main method is not re-executed. The main method is only executed for the submission of the job. The JobManager executing the job is receiving the final job graph. On failure, the JobManager will restore the job based on the job graph. If you start a Flink job from scratch, it will use the current configuration. On a failure recovery, the Flink job will rely on the checkpoint. Please let me know if your problem has been resolved with this information. If not, I need a bit more information on what you are trying to achieve, so that I can help you better. Best, Robert On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 10:12 AM <<>> wrote: Many thanks for sending your reply. It is not for monitoring but for configuration. For a job starting from an empty status, we like to load the fresh configurations. For a job recovering from a checkpoint, we like to rely on the checkpoint. Regards, Min From: vino yang [<>] Sent: Montag, 2. Dezember 2019 10:09 To: Tan, Min Cc: user Subject: [External] Re: Access to CheckpointStatsCounts Hi min, If it is only for monitoring purposes, you can just use checkpoint REST API[1] to do this work. [1]: Best, Vino <<>> 于2019年12月2日周一 下午5:01写道: Hi, Just wonder how to access the CheckpointStatsCoutns from the main method of a job? We need to detect if a job recovers from a checkpoint or starts from an empty status. Regards, Min
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