
I have a YARN/Hadoop 2.7.6 cluster, on which I plan to run Flink in Job
mode using:
Flink 1.9.1 (with Flink application programs written in Java)
Prebundled Hadoop 2.7.5

Question 1: Which scala version must I choose for the Flink 1.9.1 binary
(2.11 or 2.12)?

Secondly, I had read a document or mailing list question (which I have now
lost access to), that the Flink binaries do not need to be installed on any
of the YARN cluster nodes. Instead, the Flink binaries must only be
installed on the client which submits the Flink job to the YARN cluster.

Question 2: Can someone please confirm and clarify the above point for me?
What is this client?

1. Can the client be one of the YARN cluster nodes (NameNode,
ResourceManager Node or Worker nodes)?

2. Can the client be a remote desktop (not a part of the YARN cluster)?

Question 3: How do I get the value used to set the YARN_CONF_DIR or
HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable on a remote desktop client?



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