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发件人: Reo Lei <leinuo...@gmail.com>
Date: 2019年11月26日周二 上午9:53
Subject: Re: How to recover state from savepoint on embedded mode?
To: Yun Tang <myas...@live.com>

Hi Yun,
Thanks for your reply. what I say the embedded mode is the whole flink
cluster and job, include jobmanager, taskmanager and the job application
itself, running within a local JVM progress, which is use the "
LocalStreamEnvironment" within the job. And the start command look like
this: "java -Xmx512M -XX:... -Dlog.file=... -cp flink-job.jar
com.a.b.c.MyJob > /dev/null &"

why I am not use the standalnoe mode to run the job is because the running
env haven't zookeeper, and would not install the zookeeper. So I need to depend
on the embedded mode to run my job.


Yun Tang <myas...@live.com> 于2019年11月26日周二 上午2:38写道:

> What is the embedded mode mean here? If you refer to SQL embedded mode,
> you cannot resume from savepoint now; if you refer to local standalone
> cluster, you could use `bin/flink run -s` to resume on a local cluster.
> Best
> Yun Tang
> *From: *Reo Lei <leinuo...@gmail.com>
> *Date: *Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 12:37 AM
> *To: *"user@flink.apache.org" <user@flink.apache.org>
> *Subject: *How to recover state from savepoint on embedded mode?
> Hi,
> I have a job need running on embedded mode, but need to init some rule
> data from a database before start. So I used the State Processor API to
> construct my state data and save it to the local disk. When I want to used
> this savepoint to recover my job, I found resume a job from a savepoint
> need to use the command `bin/flink run -s :savepointPath *[*:runArgs]` to
> submit a job to flink cluster. That is mean the job is run on remote mode,
> not embedded mode.
> And I was wondering why I can't resume a job from a savepoint on embedded
> mode. If that is possible, what should I do?
> BTW, if we can not  resume a job from a savepoint on embedded mode, how to
> know the savepoint is constructed correctly in develop environment and use
> idea to debug it?
> BR,
> Reo

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