In Spark, the three *cluster* (not local) deployment options that I am
familiar with:

   - Standalone
   - Mesos
   - Yarn

There might be more *cluster deployment* options but I am concerned with
these three. All the three above support *client* and *cluster* modes of
deployment. The *client* mode involves the driver program being run from
the edge machine itself and the *cluster* mode involves launching the
driver in one of the worker nodes inside the cluster.

Now on the side of Flink, I only have experience with a 1 node setup which
I learned from some tutorial which did not really elaborate on the
ecosystem and was focussed more on code than "also" providing a big
picture. I was looking at deployment options in Flink
therefore, to understand this. The documentation talks about the all the
three options: Standalone, Mesos and YARN but it's not becoming clear from
the docs if it supports (, what we in Spark's jargon would term as) *the
client mode* or *the cluster mode* or *both* or *some other mode*.

The idea is to replace a Spark cluster with a Flink one. I want to
understand the steps while I carry those out. The steps are available in
the docs. The rationale behind those steps are either implicit (enough for
me to not understand) or are just not there.

Please help me understand.



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