Hi all,

I'm trying to create a MapState<Integer, Tuple3<Set<String>, Set<String>,
List<myClass>>> for KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction but I'm not sure how to
initialize its MapStateDescriptor.

I have written it in two ways as given below and my IDE isn't showing an
error either way (haven't tested on runtime yet).

I'd really appreciate if anyone can tell me which way is correct and if not
what's the best way to give Type Hints for  Tuple3<Set<String>,
Set<String>, List<myClass>>

myClass is POJO type.

Code Snippet 1:

        private final MapStateDescriptor<Integer, Tuple3<Set<String>,
Set<String>, List<myClass>>> outStateDesc =
                new MapStateDescriptor<>(
                        new TupleTypeInfo<>(TypeInformation.of(new
TypeHint<Set>() {}),
                                TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<Set>() {}),
                                new ListTypeInfo<>(myClass.class)));

Code Snippet 2:
        private final MapStateDescriptor<Integer, Tuple3<Set<String>,
Set<String>, List<myClass>>> outStateDesc =
                new MapStateDescriptor<>(
                        TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<Tuple3<Set<String>,
Set<String>, List<myClass>>>(){}));

Best Regards,

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