Hi Hao

It seems that I misunderstood the background of usage for your cases. High 
availability configuration targets for fault tolerance not for general 
development evolution. If you want to change your job topology, just follow the 
general rule to restore from savepoint/checkpoint, do not rely on HA to do job 
migration things.

Yun Tang
From: Hao Sun <ha...@zendesk.com>
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 8:33
To: Yun Tang <myas...@live.com>
Cc: Vijay Bhaskar <bhaskar.eba...@gmail.com>; Yang Wang 
<danrtsey...@gmail.com>; Sean Hester <sean.hes...@bettercloud.com>; Aleksandar 
Mastilovic <amastilo...@sightmachine.com>; Yuval Itzchakov <yuva...@gmail.com>; 
user <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Challenges Deploying Flink With Savepoints On Kubernetes

Yep I know that option. That's where get me confused as well. In a HA setup, 
where do I supply this option (allowNonRestoredState)?
This option requires a savepoint path when I start a flink job I remember. And 
HA does not require the path

Hao Sun

On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 11:16 AM Yun Tang 
<myas...@live.com<mailto:myas...@live.com>> wrote:
Just a minor supplement @Hao Sun<mailto:ha...@zendesk.com>, if you decided to 
drop a operator, don't forget to add --allowNonRestoredState (short: -n) option 


Yun Tang

From: Vijay Bhaskar <bhaskar.eba...@gmail.com<mailto:bhaskar.eba...@gmail.com>>
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019 19:24
To: Yang Wang <danrtsey...@gmail.com<mailto:danrtsey...@gmail.com>>
Cc: Sean Hester 
<sean.hes...@bettercloud.com<mailto:sean.hes...@bettercloud.com>>; Aleksandar 
Mastilovic <amastilo...@sightmachine.com<mailto:amastilo...@sightmachine.com>>; 
Yun Tang <myas...@live.com<mailto:myas...@live.com>>; Hao Sun 
<ha...@zendesk.com<mailto:ha...@zendesk.com>>; Yuval Itzchakov 
<yuva...@gmail.com<mailto:yuva...@gmail.com>>; user 
Subject: Re: Challenges Deploying Flink With Savepoints On Kubernetes

Thanks Yang. We will try and let you know if any issues arise


On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 1:53 PM Yang Wang 
<danrtsey...@gmail.com<mailto:danrtsey...@gmail.com>> wrote:
@ Hao Sun,
I have made a confirmation that even we change parallelism and/or modify 
operators, add new operators,
the flink cluster could also recover from latest checkpoint.

@ Vijay
a) Some individual jobmanager/taskmanager crashed exceptionally(someother 
and taskmanagers are alive), it could recover from the latest checkpoint.
b) All jobmanagers and taskmanagers fails, it could still recover from the 
latest checkpoint if the cluster-id
is not changed.

When we enable the HA, The meta of jobgraph and checkpoint is saved on 
zookeeper and the real files are save
on high-availability storage(HDFS). So when the flink application is submitted 
again with same cluster-id, it could
recover jobs and checkpoint from zookeeper. I think it has been supported for a 
long time. Maybe you could have a
try with flink-1.8 or 1.9.


Vijay Bhaskar <bhaskar.eba...@gmail.com<mailto:bhaskar.eba...@gmail.com>> 
于2019年10月10日周四 下午2:26写道:
Thanks Yang and Sean. I have couple of questions:

1) Suppose the scenario of , bringing back entire cluster,
     a) In that case, at least one job manager out of HA group should be up and 
running right? or
     b) All the job managers fails, then also this works? In that case please 
let me know the procedure/share the documentation?
         How to start from previous check point?
         What Flink version onwards this feature is stable?


On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 8:51 AM Yang Wang 
<danrtsey...@gmail.com<mailto:danrtsey...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Vijay,

If you are using HA solution, i think you do not need to specify the savepoint. 
Instead the checkpoint is used.
The checkpoint is done automatically and periodically based on your 
configuration.When the
jobmanager/taskmanager fails or the whole cluster crashes, it could always 
recover from the latest
checkpoint. Does this meed your requirement?


Sean Hester <sean.hes...@bettercloud.com<mailto:sean.hes...@bettercloud.com>> 
于2019年10月1日周二 上午1:47写道:

That is my understanding as well: the HA solution only solves the problem up to 
the point all job managers fail/restart at the same time. That's where my 
original concern was.

But to Aleksandar and Yun's point, running in HA with 2 or 3 Job Managers per 
cluster--as long as they are all deployed to separate GKE nodes--would provide 
a very high uptime/low failure rate, at least on paper. It's a promising enough 
option that we're going to run in HA for a month or two and monitor results 
before we put in any extra work to customize the savepoint start-up behavior.

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 2:24 AM Vijay Bhaskar 
<bhaskar.eba...@gmail.com<mailto:bhaskar.eba...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I don't think HA will help to recover from cluster crash, for that we should 
take periodic savepoint right? Please correct me in case i am wrong


On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 11:48 AM Vijay Bhaskar 
<bhaskar.eba...@gmail.com<mailto:bhaskar.eba...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Suppose my cluster got crashed and need to bring up the entire cluster back? 
Does HA still helps to run the cluster from latest save point?


On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 7:44 PM Sean Hester 
<sean.hes...@bettercloud.com<mailto:sean.hes...@bettercloud.com>> wrote:
thanks to everyone for all the replies.

i think the original concern here with "just" relying on the HA option is that 
there are some disaster recovery and data center migration use cases where the 
continuity of the job managers is difficult to preserve. but those are 
admittedly very edgy use cases. i think it's definitely worth reviewing the 
SLAs with our site reliability engineers to see how likely it would be to 
completely lose all job managers under an HA configuration. that small a risk 
might be acceptable/preferable to a one-off solution.

@Aleksander, would love to learn more about Zookeeper-less HA. i think i 
spotted a thread somewhere between Till and someone (perhaps you) about that. 
feel free to DM me.

thanks again to everyone!

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 7:32 AM Yang Wang 
<danrtsey...@gmail.com<mailto:danrtsey...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi, Aleksandar

Savepoint option in standalone job cluster is optional. If you want to always 
from the latest checkpoint, just as Aleksandar and Yun Tang said you could use 
high-availability configuration. Make sure the cluster-id is not changed, i 
think the job
could recover both at exceptionally crash and restart by expectation.

@Aleksandar Mastilovic<mailto:amastilo...@sightmachine.com>, we are also have 
an zookeeper-less high-availability implementation[1].
Maybe we could have some discussion and contribute this useful feature to the 



Aleksandar Mastilovic 
于2019年9月26日周四 上午4:11写道:
Would you guys (Flink devs) be interested in our solution for zookeeper-less 
HA? I could ask the managers how they feel about open-sourcing the improvement.

On Sep 25, 2019, at 11:49 AM, Yun Tang 
<myas...@live.com<mailto:myas...@live.com>> wrote:

As Aleksandar said, k8s with HA configuration could solve your problem. There 
already have some discussion about how to implement such HA in k8s if we don't 
have a zookeeper service: FLINK-11105 [1] and FLINK-12884 [2]. Currently, you 
might only have to choose zookeeper as high-availability service.

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-11105
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-12884

Yun Tang
From: Aleksandar Mastilovic 
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2019 1:57
To: Sean Hester 
Cc: Hao Sun <ha...@zendesk.com<mailto:ha...@zendesk.com>>; Yuval Itzchakov 
<yuva...@gmail.com<mailto:yuva...@gmail.com>>; user 
Subject: Re: Challenges Deploying Flink With Savepoints On Kubernetes

Can’t you simply use JobManager in HA mode? It would pick up where it left off 
if you don’t provide a Savepoint.

On Sep 25, 2019, at 6:07 AM, Sean Hester 
<sean.hes...@bettercloud.com<mailto:sean.hes...@bettercloud.com>> wrote:

thanks for all replies! i'll definitely take a look at the Flink k8s Operator 

i'll try to restate the issue to clarify. this issue is specific to starting a 
job from a savepoint in job-cluster mode. in these cases the Job Manager 
container is configured to run a single Flink job at start-up. the savepoint 
needs to be provided as an argument to the entrypoint. the Flink documentation 
for this approach is here:


the issue is that taking this approach means that the job will always start 
from the savepoint provided as the start argument in the Kubernetes YAML. this 
includes unplanned restarts of the job manager, but we'd really prefer any 
unplanned restarts resume for the most recent checkpoint instead of restarting 
from the configured savepoint. so in a sense we want the savepoint argument to 
be transient, only being used during the initial deployment, but this runs 
counter to the design of Kubernetes which always wants to restore a deployment 
to the "goal state" as defined in the YAML.

i hope this helps. if you want more details please let me know, and thanks 
again for your time.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 1:09 PM Hao Sun 
<ha...@zendesk.com<mailto:ha...@zendesk.com>> wrote:
I think I overlooked it. Good point. I am using Redis to save the path to my 
savepoint, I might be able to set a TTL to avoid such issue.

Hao Sun

On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 9:54 AM Yuval Itzchakov 
<yuva...@gmail.com<mailto:yuva...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Hao,

I think he's exactly talking about the usecase where the JM/TM restart and they 
come back up from the latest savepoint which might be stale by that time.

On Tue, 24 Sep 2019, 19:24 Hao Sun, 
<ha...@zendesk.com<mailto:ha...@zendesk.com>> wrote:
We always make a savepoint before we shutdown the job-cluster. So the savepoint 
is always the latest. When we fix a bug or change the job graph, it can resume 
We only use checkpoints for unplanned downtime, e.g. K8S killed JM/TM, uncaught 
exception, etc.

Maybe I do not understand your use case well, I do not see a need to start from 
checkpoint after a bug fix.
>From what I know, currently you can use checkpoint as a savepoint as well

Hao Sun

On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 7:48 AM Yuval Itzchakov 
<yuva...@gmail.com<mailto:yuva...@gmail.com>> wrote:
AFAIK there's currently nothing implemented to solve this problem, but working 
on a possible fix can be implemented on top of 
https://github.com/lyft/flinkk8soperator which already has a pretty fancy state 
machine for rolling upgrades. I'd love to be involved as this is an issue I've 
been thinking about as well.


On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 5:02 PM Sean Hester 
<sean.hes...@bettercloud.com<mailto:sean.hes...@bettercloud.com>> wrote:
hi all--we've run into a gap (knowledge? design? tbd?) for our use cases when 
deploying Flink jobs to start from savepoints using the job-cluster mode in 

we're running a ~15 different jobs, all in job-cluster mode, using a mix of 
Flink 1.8.1 and 1.9.0, under GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine). these are all 
long-running streaming jobs, all essentially acting as microservices. we're 
using Helm charts to configure all of our deployments.

we have a number of use cases where we want to restart jobs from a savepoint to 
replay recent events, i.e. when we've enhanced the job logic or fixed a bug. 
but after the deployment we want to have the job resume it's "long-running" 
behavior, where any unplanned restarts resume from the latest checkpoint.

the issue we run into is that any obvious/standard/idiomatic Kubernetes 
deployment includes the savepoint argument in the configuration. if the Job 
Manager container(s) have an unplanned restart, when they come back up they 
will start from the savepoint instead of resuming from the latest checkpoint. 
everything is working as configured, but that's not exactly what we want. we 
want the savepoint argument to be transient somehow (only used during the 
initial deployment), but Kubernetes doesn't really support the concept of 
transient configuration.

i can see a couple of potential solutions that either involve custom code in 
the jobs or custom logic in the container (i.e. a custom entrypoint script that 
records that the configured savepoint has already been used in a file on a 
persistent volume or GCS, and potentially when/why/by which deployment). but 
these seem like unexpected and hacky solutions. before we head down that road i 
wanted to ask:

  *   is this is already a solved problem that i've missed?
  *   is this issue already on the community's radar?

thanks in advance!

Sean Hester | Senior Staff Software Engineer | m. 404-828-0865
3525 Piedmont Rd. NE, Building 6, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30305
Altitude 2019 in San Francisco | Sept. 23 - 25
It’s not just an IT conference, it’s “a complete learning and networking 

Best Regards,
Yuval Itzchakov.

Sean Hester | Senior Staff Software Engineer | m. 404-828-0865
3525 Piedmont Rd. NE, Building 6, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30305
Altitude 2019 in San Francisco | Sept. 23 - 25
It’s not just an IT conference, it’s “a complete learning and networking 

Sean Hester | Senior Staff Software Engineer | m. 404-828-0865
3525 Piedmont Rd. NE, Building 6, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30305
Altitude 2019 in San Francisco | Sept. 23 - 25
It’s not just an IT conference, it’s “a complete learning and networking 

Sean Hester | Senior Staff Software Engineer | m. 404-828-0865
3525 Piedmont Rd. NE, Building 6, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30305
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