
I actually created Jira issue before posting it to mailing list. Today I added 
steps to reproduce with tests outcome of different scenarios to the repository.

Jira issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-14197

Repository: https://github.com/loliver1234/flink-process-window-function

With best regards


On 02.10.2019 12:05, Fabian Hueske wrote:
Hi Oliwer,

I think you are right. There seems to be something going wrong.
Just to clarify, you are sure that the growing state size is caused by the 
window operator?

From your description I assume that the state size does not depend (solely) on 
the number of distinct keys.
Otherwise, the state size would stop growing at some point.
This would be a hint that every window leaves some state behind.

AFAIK, processing time session windows are not very common. There might be a 
bug in the implementation.

Could you create a Jira with a description of the problem?
It would be great, if you could provide a reproducible example with a data 
generator source.

Thank you,

Am Di., 1. Okt. 2019 um 11:18 Uhr schrieb Oliwer Kostera 


I'm no sure what you mean by windowState.clear(). As far as I understand you 
correctly it's a windowState from ProcessWindowFunction Context which is 
KeyedStateStore. KeyedStateStore is managing registered keyed states that I 
don't have, so without a descriptor I can't access any clear() method. There is 
no state that I manage explicitly as you can see here: 

With best regards


On 01.10.2019 07:48, Congxian Qiu wrote:
Hi Oliwer,

From the description, Seems the state didn't be cleared, maybe you could check 
how many {{windowState.clear()}} was triggered in 
{{WindowOperator#processElement}}, and try to figure it out why the state did 
not be cleared.


Oliwer Kostera <o.kost...@adbglobal.com<mailto:o.kost...@adbglobal.com>> 
于2019年9月27日周五 下午4:14写道:

Hi all,

I'm using ProcessWindowFunction in a keyed stream with the following definition:

final SingleOutputStreamOperator<Message> processWindowFunctionStream =
                .process(new CustomProcessWindowFunction())
                .name("Process window function");

My checkpointing configuration is set to use RocksDB state backend with 
incremental checkpointing and EXACTLY_ONCE mode.

In a runtime I noticed that even though data ingestion is static - same keys 
and frequency of messages the size of the process window operator keeps 
increasing. I tried to reproduce it with minimal similar setup here: 
https://github.com/loliver1234/flink-process-window-function and was successful 
to do so.

Testing conditions:

  *   RabbitMQ source with Exactly-once guarantee and 65k prefetch count
  *   RabbitMQ sink to collect messages
  *   Simple ProcessWindowFunction that only pass messages through
  *   Stream time characteristic set to TimeCharacteristic.ProcessingTime

Testing scenario:

  *   Start flink job and check initial state size - State Size: 127 KB
  *   Start sending messages, 1000 same unique keys every 1s (they are not 
falling into defined time window gap set to 100ms, each message should create 
new window)
  *   State of the process window operator keeps increasing - after 1mln 
messages state ended up to be around 2mb
  *   Stop sending messages and wait till rabbit queue is fully consumed and 
few checkpoints go by
  *   Was expected to see state size to decrease to base value but it stayed at 
  *   Continue to send messages with the same keys and state kept increasing 

What I checked:

  *   Registration and deregistration of timers set for time windows - each 
registration matched its deregistration
  *   Checked that in fact there are no window merges
  *   Tried custom Trigger disabling window merges and setting onProcessingTime 
trigger to TriggerResult.FIRE_AND_PURGE - same state behavior

Tested with:

  *   Local Flink Mini Cluster running from IDE
  *   Flink ha standalone cluster  run in docker

On staging environment, we noticed that state for that operator keeps 
increasing indefinitely, after some months reaching even 1,5gb for 100k unique 

With best regards


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