Does the log you attached above come from a TaskManager Node? If so,
what state is the Job node it tried to connect to? Did it crash?

BTW, it would be helpful if you can attach more logs of TM and JM except
two lines said akka connection refused.

John Smith <> 于2019年10月4日周五 上午2:08写道:

> So I guess it had some older state?
> On Thu., Oct. 3, 2019, 11:29 a.m. John Smith, <>
> wrote:
>> I'm running standalone cluster with Zookeeper. It seems it was trying to
>> connect to an older node. I rebooted the Job node tha was complaining. It
>> seems to be ok now...
>> I have 3 Zookeepers, 3 Job Nodes and 3 Tasks Nodes
>> On Thu, 3 Oct 2019 at 11:15, Zili Chen <> wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> could you provide some details such as which mode you runs
>>> on(standalone/YARN)
>>> and related configuration(jobmanager.address jobmanager.port and so on)?
>>> Best,
>>> tison.
>>> John Smith <> 于2019年10月3日周四 下午11:02写道:
>>>> Hi running 1.8 the cluster seems to be OK but I see these warnings in
>>>> the logs...
>>>> 2019-10-03 14:57:25,152 WARN
>>>>  akka.remote.transport.netty.NettyTransport                    - Remote
>>>> connection to [null] failed with Connection
>>>> refused: /
>>>> 2019-10-03 14:57:25,156 WARN  akka.remote.ReliableDeliverySupervisor
>>>>                      - Association with remote system
>>>> [akka.tcp://] has failed, address is now
>>>> gated for [50] ms. Reason: [Association failed with
>>>> [akka.tcp://]] Caused by: [Connection
>>>> refused: /]

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