Hi guys, I get java heap space error when I have 1 GB of TM memory and 4 slots(we have 4 cores in our lower environment) per TM , each slot has 1/4GB of managed memory. >From the flink doc https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.9/concepts/runtime.html#task-slots-and-resources I see that slots are allocated memory statically . When I change the TM memory to 8GB , my job works fine without any heap issues with 4 slots. So here each slot gets around 2GB of heap . In another environment we have 60 cores. Does it make sense for me to have 60 slots in the task manager for 8GB of TM heap ? I assume that I will get heap space error since each slot will have 8/60 GB of memory . Is my assumption correct ?
Thanks, Vishwas