
Could you use some cache system such as HBase or Reids to storage this
data, and query from the cache if needed?


Navneeth Krishnan <reachnavnee...@gmail.com> 于2019年10月1日周二 上午10:15写道:

> Thanks Oytun. The problem with doing that is the same data will be have to
> be stored multiple times wasting memory. In my case there will around
> million entries which needs to be used by at least two operators for now.
> Thanks
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 5:42 PM Oytun Tez <oy...@motaword.com> wrote:
>> This is how we currently use broadcast state. Our states are re-usable
>> (code-wise), every operator that wants to consume basically keeps the same
>> descriptor state locally by processBroadcastElement'ing into a local state.
>> I am open to suggestions. I see this as a hard drawback of dataflow
>> programming or Flink framework?
>> ---
>> Oytun Tez
>> *M O T A W O R D*
>> The World's Fastest Human Translation Platform.
>> oy...@motaword.com — www.motaword.com
>> On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 8:40 PM Oytun Tez <oy...@motaword.com> wrote:
>>> You can re-use the broadcasted state (along with its descriptor) that
>>> comes into your KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction, in another operator
>>> downstream. that's basically duplicating the broadcasted state whichever
>>> operator you want to use, every time.
>>> ---
>>> Oytun Tez
>>> *M O T A W O R D*
>>> The World's Fastest Human Translation Platform.
>>> oy...@motaword.com — www.motaword.com
>>> On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 8:29 PM Navneeth Krishnan <
>>> reachnavnee...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Is it possible to access a broadcast state across the pipeline? For
>>>> example, say I have a KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction which adds the incoming
>>>> data to state and I have downstream operator where I need the same state as
>>>> well, would I be able to just read the broadcast state with a readonly
>>>> view. I know this is possible in kafka streams.
>>>> Thanks

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