Can you check whether its able to read the supplied input file properly or not?
Regards Bhaskar On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 1:07 PM RAMALINGESWARA RAO THOTTEMPUDI <> wrote: > Hi Sir, > > I am trying to run the flink programs particularl Pagerank. > > I have used the following command : > > ./bin/flink run -d ./examples/batch/PageRank.jar --input /path/to/input > > It is running but it is showing only 15 elements ranking for my data. But > I need to find the ranking of all elements of my data. > Because the original program is running only for fixed number of > iterations which is 15. How can I modify to run for full data elements. > > I have to change the value of fixed number of iterations. > > > > Thanking You, > > TR RAO >