Thanks Fabian.

is there any advantage using broadcast state  VS using just CoMap function on 2 
connected streams ?

From: Fabian Hueske <>
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2019 12:59 PM
To: Hanan Yehudai <>
Subject: Re: Join with slow changing dimensions/ streams


Flink does not have good support for mixing bounded and unbounded streams in 
its DataStream API yet.
If the dimension table is static (and small enough), I'd use a RichMapFunction 
and load the table in the open() method into the heap.
In this case, you'd probably need to restart the job (can be done with a 
savepoint and restart) to load a new table. You can also use a ProcessFunction 
and register a timer to periodically load a new table.

If the dimension table is (slowly) changing, you might want to think about the 
broadcast state.
With this setup you can propagate updates by sending them to the broadcasted 

I would not use the join operator because it would also buffer the actual 
stream in state.

Best, Fabian

Am Mo., 2. Sept. 2019 um 15:38 Uhr schrieb Hanan Yehudai 
I have a very common use case -    enriching the stream with  some dimension 

e.g   the events stream has a SERVER_ID ,  and another files have the LOCATION  
associated with e SERVER_ID. ( a dimension table  csv file)

in SQL I would  simply join.
but hen using Flink  stream API ,  as far as I see,  there are several option 
and I wondered which would be optimal.

1. Use the JOIN operator,,  from the documentation 
this is always has some time aspect  to the join .  unless I use an interval 
join with very large upper bound and associate the dimension stream record with 
 an old timestamp.

2. just write a mapper function the gets the NAME from the dimesion records – 
that are preloaded on the mapFunction  loading method.

3. use a broadcast state – this way I can also listen to the changes on the 
dimension  tables  and do the actual join in the processElement ducntion.

What soul be the most efficient way to do this from mem and Cpu consumption 
perspective ?

Or is there another , better way ?

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