Hi Bowen,

Thank you for the information! Streaming write to Hive is a very common use
case for our users. Is there any open issue for this to which we can try

+Yufei and Chang who are also interested in this.


On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 12:16 PM Bowen Li <bowenl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Qi,
> With 1.9 out of shelf, I'm afraid not. You can make HiveTableSink
> implements AppendStreamTableSink (an empty interface for now) so it can be
> picked up in streaming job. Also, streaming requires checkpointing, and
> Hive sink doesn't do that yet. There might be other tweaks you need to make.
> It's on our list for 1.10, not high priority though.
> Bowen
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 2:23 AM Qi Luo <luoqi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> In Flink 1.9 HiveTableSink is added to support writing to Hive, but it
>> only supports batch mode. StreamingFileSink can write to HDFS in streaming
>> mode, but it has no Hive related functionality (e.g. adding Hive partition).
>> Is there any easy way we can streaming write to Hive (with exactly-once
>> guarantee)?
>> Thanks,
>> Qi

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