The data source is generated by an application that monitors some sort of sessions. With the EVENT_TIME column being the session end time .
It is possible that the files will have out of order data , because of the async nature of the application writing files. While the EVENT_TIME is monotonically increasing in general . some lateness is possible. However , I used allowlateness on my stream and still got the inconsistencies Although the real life use case is generically reading files form a folder. The testing env has an already set of files in advanced - these should be read and produce the result. You mentioned the “right” order of the files. Is it sorted by update time ? when running in parallel, is it possible that 2 files will be read in parallel. And in case that the latter one is smaller. The latest timestamp will be handled first ? BTW I tried to use a ContinuousEventTimeTrigger to make sure the window is calculated ? and got the processing to trigger multiple times so I’m not sure exactly how this type of trigger works.. Thanks From: Fabian Hueske <> Sent: Monday, August 26, 2019 11:06 AM To: Hanan Yehudai <> Cc: Subject: Re: tumbling event time window , parallel Hi, Can you share a few more details about the data source? Are you continuously ingesting files from a folder? You are correct, that the parallelism should not affect the results, but there are a few things that can affect that: 1) non-determnistic keys 2) out-of-order data with inappropriate watermarks Note that watermark configuration for file ingests can be difficult and that you need to ensure that files are read in the "right" order. AFAIK, Flink's continuous file source uses the modification timestamp of files to determine the read order. Best, Fabian Am So., 25. Aug. 2019 um 19:32 Uhr schrieb Hanan Yehudai <<>>: I have an issue with tumbling windows running in parallel. I run a Job on a set of CSV files. When the parallelism is set to 1. I get the proper results. While it runs in parallel. I get no output. Is it due to the fact the parallel streams take the MAX(watermark) from all the parallel sources. And only one of the streams advances the watermark ? It seems wrong that the result is not deterministic and depends on the parallel level. What am I doing wrong ?