Currently I have 2 streams and I enrich stream 1 with the second streams.
To further enrich stream 1 we are planning to add 2 more streams so a total
of 4 streams.

   1. Stream 1 read from Kafka
   2. Stream 2 read from Kafka
   3. Stream 3 will be read from Kafka - new
   4. Stream 4 will be read from ES . - new

1. It is possible to combine all 4 streams together - all the streams are
of totally different types of stream.
2. Is it possible to get the Stream 3 and Stream 4 and store them in a
global hash maps which can be made accessible to all workers/operators?
while trying to enrich stream 1 with Stream 2. This is help not changing
the current design much. So basically Stream 3 and Stream 4 goes into the
global hash map and when Stream 1 is being enriched with stream2 it will do
a get/lookup on the global hash map and thus also use stream 3 and 4 to
enrich itself.

I don't know how to combine more than 2 streams with connect. Please let me
know if there is a way to do that simultaneously and not in stages. Please
help with code examples if any.

I am new to flink. Thanks for your help.


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