Thanks for the helpful reply. One more question, does this zookeeper or HA requirement apply for a savepoint?
Can I bounce a single jobmanager cluster and rerun my flink job from its previous states with a save point directory? e.g. ./bin/flink run myJob.jar -s savepointDirectory Regards, Min From: Zili Chen [] Sent: Dienstag, 20. August 2019 04:16 To: Biao Liu Cc: Tan, Min; user Subject: [External] Re: Recovery from job manager crash using check points Hi Min, I guess you use standalone high-availability and when TM fails, JM can recovered the job from an in-memory checkpoint store. However, when JM fails, since you don't persist state on ha backend such as ZooKeeper, even JM relaunched by YARN RM superseded by a stand by, the new one knows nothing about the previous jobs. In short, you need to set up ZooKeepers as you yourself mentioned. Best, tison. Biao Liu <<>> 于2019年8月19日周一 下午11:49写道: Hi Min, > Do I need to set up zookeepers to keep the states when a job manager crashes? I guess you need to set up the HA [1] properly. Besides that, I would suggest you should also check the state backend. 1. 2. Thanks, Biao /'bɪ.aʊ/ On Mon, 19 Aug 2019 at 23:28, <<>> wrote: Hi, I can use check points to recover Flink states when a task manger crashes. I can not use check points to recover Flink states when a job manger crashes. Do I need to set up zookeepers to keep the states when a job manager crashes? Regards Min
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