Hi Cam,
This case is expected due to slot sharing.
A slot can be shared by one instance of different tasks. So the used slot
is count of your max parallelism of a task.
You can specify the shared group with slotSharingGroup(String
slotSharingGroup) on operators.

Zhu Zhu

Abhishek Jain <abhijai...@gmail.com> 于2019年8月12日周一 下午1:23写道:

> What you'se seeing is likely operator chaining. This is the default
> behaviour of grouping sub tasks to avoid transer overhead (from one slot to
> another). You can disable chaining if you need to. Please refer task and
> operator chains
> <https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/concepts/runtime.html#tasks-and-operator-chains>
> .
> - Abhishek
> On Mon, 12 Aug 2019 at 09:56, Cam Mach <cammac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Flink expert,
>> I have a cluster with 10 Task Managers, configured with 6 task slot each,
>> and a pipeline that has 13 tasks/operators with parallelism of 5. But when
>> running the pipeline I observer that only  5 slots are being used, the
>> other 55 slots are available/free. It should use all of my slots, right?
>> since I have 13 (tasks) x 5 = 65 sub-tasks? What are the configuration that
>> I missed in order to leverage all of the available slots for my pipelines?
>> Thanks,
>> Cam

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