Hello everybody,

We have the following situation:

1) A data stream which collects all system events (near 1/2 a mil per day).

2) A database storing some aggregation of the data.

We want to split the data into different "time slices" and be able to
"tag it" accordingly.


the events in the first hour will be tagged as such:

Time of arrival (slice)        Tag

0:00:00 - 0:59:59               Last Hour

0:30:00 - 0:59:59              Last 1/2 Hour

0:50:00 - 0:59:59              Last 10 minutes

Now, when we reach 1:09:59 the "last ten minutes" tags, moves to  that
slice, and so do the other ones.

Mi initial idea was to have multiple windows operating over the same
stream, but in that case I would have

to keep a longer window just to remove the tag for events after the 1
hour period.  Is there any way to avoid this?


This is part of my first Flink project so alternative
solutions/literature are very much welcome

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