Hi Mohammad,

Queryable State works in some cases:

As much as I know, this is the only way to access Flink's state from
outside, until we have Savepoint API coming in 1.9.

Oytun Tez

*M O T A W O R D*
The World's Fastest Human Translation Platform.
oy...@motaword.com — www.motaword.com

On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 9:52 AM Mohammad Hosseinian <
mohammad.hossein...@id1.de> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> Thanks for your reply. The application is streaming. The issue with using
> messaging channels for such kind of communication is the 'race condition'.
> I mean, when you have parallel channels of communication (one for the main
> flow of your streaming application and one for bringing 'stated/current'
> objects to desired processing nodes), then the order of messages are not
> preserved and it might lead to incorrect result of your application. That
> was the reason why I was wondering if there is any 'synchronous' way of
> accessing the Flink state.
> BR, Moe
> On 06/08/2019 13:25, Протченко Алексей wrote:
> Hi Mohammad,
> which types of applications do you mean? Streaming or batch ones? In terms
> of streaming ones queues like Kafka or RabbitMq between applications should
> be the best way I think.
> Best regards,
> Alex
> Вторник, 6 августа 2019, 12:21 +02:00 от Mohammad Hosseinian
> <mohammad.hossein...@id1.de> <mohammad.hossein...@id1.de>:
> Hi all,
> We have a network of Flink applications. The whole cluster receives
> 'state-update' messages from the outside, and there is one Flink
> application in our cluster that 'merges' these updates and creates the
> actual, most up-to-date, state of the 'data-objects' and passes it to the
> next process. It does this, using a stateful stream processing with a
> `KeyedProcessFunction` object. In our processing logic, there are nodes
> that require to access the actual state of the objects when they receive
> one or more 'object-id's from the previous Flink application. We do not
> propagate the actual-state of the objects since, not all types of the
> objects are relevant to all processes in the cluster, so we saved some
> network/storage overhead there.
> The question is: for such scenario, what is the best way to expose the
> Flink state to another Flink application? I am aware of 'Queryable states',
> but I am not sure if this feature has been designed and is suitable for our
> use-case or not?
> Thank you very much in advance.
> BR, Moe
> --
> *Mohammad Hosseinian*
> Software Developer
> Information Design One AG
> Phone +49-69-244502-0
> Fax +49-69-244502-10
> Web *www.id1.de <http://www.id1.de>*
> Information Design One AG, Baseler Strasse 10, 60329 Frankfurt am Main,
> Germany
> Registration: Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, HRB 52596
> Executive Board: Robert Peters, Benjamin Walther, Supervisory Board:
> Christian Hecht
> --
> Протченко Алексей
> --
> *Mohammad Hosseinian*
> Software Developer
> Information Design One AG
> Phone +49-69-244502-0
> Fax +49-69-244502-10
> Web *www.id1.de <http://www.id1.de>*
> Information Design One AG, Baseler Strasse 10, 60329 Frankfurt am Main,
> Germany
> Registration: Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, HRB 52596
> Executive Board: Robert Peters, Benjamin Walther, Supervisory Board:
> Christian Hecht

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