Hi Jungtaek,

I've faced a similar problem in the past; we need to calculate an aggregate
upon receiving an end message from each user.

While you're trying to solve problem by defining a custom window assigner,
I took a different approach to the problem by implementing a custom trigger.

You can see my implementation in the following link (but I'm not quite sure
if my implementation could solve your case):


p.s. FYI, I presented the background of the problem and the general idea
last year at FlinkForward 2017 Berlin. Hope this presentation helps you:

On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 10:57 PM Jungtaek Lim <kabh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Flink users,
> I've been spending time to learn and play with Flink DataStream API, not
> an expert level but as a beginner. :)
> To play with custom window API, I just created a small example, session
> window based on fixed time gap, but indicate the type of event which may
> contain "end of session". I guess it's not unusual to see this kind of
> things (like manual logout and login) though I don't have concrete real use
> case.
> This is an implementation based on Flink DataStream API:
> https://gist.github.com/HeartSaVioR/1d865b1a444af1ef7cae201bbdb196b0
> Custom window works pretty well and I could leverage side output very
> easily. One thing leading the code a bit longer was new definition of
> TimeWindow (to deal with event type of "close session"). Even though I
> tried to leverage TimeWindow via inheritance, the code goes a bit verbose
> as I need to implement a new Serializer as well.
> (Actually it required to implement a new Trigger as well, but took
> workaround to leverage existing EventTimeTrigger.)
> Assuming this pattern is not unusual (it would be pretty OK if it's
> unusual), could someone point out some points to improve or simplify the
> code? That would be really nice if there's something I could contribute in
> this case.
> Thanks,
> Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)
> ps. This is an implementation based on Spark Structured Streaming (no
> custom window API, so had to put everything in state function of
> flatMapGroupsWithState):
> https://gist.github.com/HeartSaVioR/133c3bdc163f1fd5332397c5cd4b8b29

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