Hi Xiangyu,

Could you share the corresponding JIRA that fixed this issue?


Xiangyu Su <xian...@smaato.com> 于2019年7月19日周五 下午8:47写道:

> btw. it seems like this issue has been fixed in 1.8.1
> On Fri, 19 Jul 2019 at 12:21, Xiangyu Su <xian...@smaato.com> wrote:
>> Ok, thanks.
>> and this time-consuming until now always happens after 3rd checkpointing,
>> and this unexpected  time-consuming was always consistent (~ 4 min by under
>> 4G/min incoming traffic).
>> On Fri, 19 Jul 2019 at 11:06, Biao Liu <mmyy1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Xiangyu,
>>> Just took a glance at the relevant codes. There is a gap between
>>> calculating the duration and logging it out. I guess the checkpoint 4 is
>>> finished in 1 minute, but there is an unexpected time-consuming operation
>>> during that time. But I can't tell which part it is.
>>> Xiangyu Su <xian...@smaato.com> 于2019年7月19日周五 下午4:14写道:
>>>> Dear flink community,
>>>> We are POC flink(1.8) to process data in real time, and using global
>>>> checkpointing(S3) and local checkpointing(EBS), deploy cluster on EKS. Our
>>>> application is consuming data from Kinesis.
>>>> For my test e.g I am using checkpointing interval 5min. and minimum
>>>> pause 2min.
>>>> The issue what we saw is: It seems like flink checkpointing process
>>>> would be idle for 3-4 min, before job manager get complete notification.
>>>> here is some logging from job manager:
>>>> 2019-07-10 11:59:03,893 INFO  
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointCoordinator     - Triggering 
>>>> checkpoint 4 @ 1562759941082 for job e7a97014f5799458f1c656135712813d.
>>>> 2019-07-10 12:05:01,836 INFO  
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointCoordinator     - Completed 
>>>> checkpoint 4 for job e7a97014f5799458f1c656135712813d (22387207650 bytes 
>>>> in 58645 ms).
>>>> As my understanding the logging above, the 
>>>> completedCheckpoint(CheckpointCoordinator)
>>>> object has been completed in 58645 ms, but the whole checkpointing process
>>>> took ~ 6min.
>>>> This logging is for 4th checkpointing, But the first 3 checkpointing
>>>> were finished on time.
>>>> Could you please tell me, why flink checkpointing in my test was
>>>> starting "idle" for few minutes after 3 checkpointing?
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> --
>>>> Xiangyu Su
>>>> Java Developer
>>>> xian...@smaato.com
>>>> Smaato Inc.
>>>> San Francisco - New York - Hamburg - Singapore
>>>> www.smaato.com
>>>> Germany:
>>>> Valentinskamp 70, Emporio, 19th Floor
>>>> 20355 Hamburg
>>>> M 0049(176)22943076
>>>> The information contained in this communication may be CONFIDENTIAL and
>>>> is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above. If you are
>>>> not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
>>>> distribution, or copying of this communication, or any of its contents, is
>>>> strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,
>>>> please notify the sender and delete/destroy the original message and any
>>>> copy of it from your computer or paper files.
>> --
>> Xiangyu Su
>> Java Developer
>> xian...@smaato.com
>> Smaato Inc.
>> San Francisco - New York - Hamburg - Singapore
>> www.smaato.com
>> Germany:
>> Valentinskamp 70, Emporio, 19th Floor
>> 20355 Hamburg
>> M 0049(176)22943076
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>> is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above. If you are
>> not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
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>> strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,
>> please notify the sender and delete/destroy the original message and any
>> copy of it from your computer or paper files.
> --
> Xiangyu Su
> Java Developer
> xian...@smaato.com
> Smaato Inc.
> San Francisco - New York - Hamburg - Singapore
> www.smaato.com
> Germany:
> Valentinskamp 70, Emporio, 19th Floor
> 20355 Hamburg
> M 0049(176)22943076
> The information contained in this communication may be CONFIDENTIAL and is
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> the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
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