
I see there are 3 ways to create an execution environment for testing:

   - StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironment and
   ExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironment create an execution environment
   running on a single JVM using different threads.
   - CollectionEnvironment runs on a single JVM on a single thread.
   - I haven't found not much documentation on the Mini Cluster, but it
   sounds similar to the Hadoop MiniCluster
   If that is then case, then it would run on many local JVMs, each of them
   running multiple threads.

Am I correct about the Mini Cluster? Is there any additional documentation
about it? I discovered it looking at the source code of AbstractTestBase,
that is mentioned on
Also, it looks like launching the mini cluster registers it somewhere, so
subsequent calls to `StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment`
return an environment that uses the mini cluster. Is that performed by
`executionEnvironment.setAsContext()` in
? Is that execution environment registration process documented anywhere?

Which test execution environment is recommended for each test use case? For
example I don't see why would I use CollectionEnvironment when I have the
local environment available and running on several threads, what is a good
use case for CollectionEnvironment?

Are all these 3 environments supported equality, or maybe some of them is
expected to be deprecated?

Are there any additional execution environments that could be useful for
testing on a single host?



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