HI, Maxim

As far as I understand, it's hard to draw a simple conclusion that who's 
faster. If the job is smaller (for example, the vertex number and the 
parallelism are very small), the session is usually faster than the per-job 
mode. I think the session has the advantage of sharing AM and TM, which saves 
some time for  applying and starting containers. But because of the sharing, 
there will be some resource competition, such as network bandwidth in the 
submit-job phase. If it is very sensitive to speed, perhaps you can do a 
comparative test for your specific jobs and environment, and then decide which 
mode to use?


At 2019-07-18 14:03:01, "Maxim Parkachov" <lazy.gop...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Haibo,

thanks for tip, I almost forgot about max-attempts. I understood implication of 
running with one AM.

Maybe my question was incorrect, but what would be faster (with regards to 
downtime of each job):

1. In case of yarn-session: Parallel cancel all jobs with savepoints, restart 
yarn-session, parallel start all jobs from savepoints
2. In case of per-job mode Parallel cancel all jobs with savepoints, parallel 
start all jobs from savepoints.

I want to optimise standard situation where I deploy new version of all my 
jobs. My current impression that job starts faster in yarn-session mode.


On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 4:57 AM Haibo Sun <sunhaib...@163.com> wrote:

Hi, Maxim

For the concern talking on the first point: 
If HA and checkpointing are enabled, AM (the application master, that is the 
job manager you said) will be restarted by YARN after it dies, and then the 
dispatcher will try to restore all the previously running jobs correctly. Note 
that the number of attempts be decided by the configurations 
"yarn.resourcemanager.am.max-attempts" and "yarn.application-attempts". The 
obvious difference between the session and per-job modes is that if a fatal 
error occurs on AM, it will affect all jobs running in it, while the per-job 
mode will only affect one job.

You can look at this document to see how to configure HA for the Flink cluster 
on YARN: 


At 2019-07-17 23:53:15, "Maxim Parkachov" <lazy.gop...@gmail.com> wrote:


I'm looking for advice on how to run flink streaming jobs on Yarn cluster in 
production environment. I tried in testing environment both approaches with HA 
mode, namely yarn session + multiple jobs vs cluster per job, both seems to 
work for my cases, with slight preference of yarn session mode to centrally 
manage credentials. I'm looking to run about 10 streaming jobs mostly 
reading/writing from kafka + cassandra with following restictions:
1. yarn nodes will be hard rebooted quite often, roughly every 2 weeks. I have 
a concern here what happens when Job manager dies in session mode.

2. there are often network interruptions/slowdowns.
3. I'm trying to minimise time to restart job to have as much as possible 
continious processing.

Thanks in advance,

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