
ProcessingTime timers are always supported
EventTime timers are only supported for EventTime and IngestionTime

Best, Fabian

Am Do., 11. Juli 2019 um 17:44 Uhr schrieb M Singh <mans2si...@yahoo.com>:

> Thanks Fabian for your response.
> Just to clarify then - regardless of the time characteristics, if a
> processor or window trigger registers with a ProcessingTime  and EventTime
> timers - they will all fire when the appropriate watermarks arrive.
> Thanks again.
> On Thursday, July 11, 2019, 05:41:54 AM EDT, Fabian Hueske <
> fhue...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mans,
> IngestionTime is uses the same internal mechanisms as EventTime (record
> timestamps and watermarks).
> The difference is that instead of extracting a timestamp from the record
> (using a custom timestamp extractor & wm assigner), Flink will assign
> timestamps based on the machine clock of the machine that runs the source
> task and will also automatically generate watermarks. If you ask for my
> opinion, IngestionTime combines the disadvantages of ProcessingTime and
> EventTime. You pay the latency / performance penalty of EventTime for the
> non-determinism of ProcessingTime.
> So, if you enable IngestionTime, you can use EventTime timers and
> ProcessingTime timers.
> Best, Fabian
> Am Mi., 10. Juli 2019 um 09:37 Uhr schrieb M Singh <mans2si...@yahoo.com>:
> Thanks for your answer Xingcan.
> Just to clarify - if the characteristic is set to IngestionTime or
> ProcessingTime, the event time triggers will be ignored and not fire.
> Mans
> On Tuesday, July 9, 2019, 04:32:00 PM EDT, Xingcan Cui <xingc...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Yes, Mans. You can use both processing-time and event-time timers if you
> set the time characteristic to event-time. They'll be triggered by their
> own time semantics, separately. (actually there’s no watermark for
> processing time)
> Cheers,
> Xingcan
> On Jul 9, 2019, at 11:40 AM, M Singh <mans2si...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thanks Yun for your answers.
> Does this mean that we can use processing and event timers (in processors
> or triggers) regardless of the time characteristic ?  Also, is possible to
> use both together and will they both fire at the appropriate watermarks for
> processing and event times ?
> Mans
> On Tuesday, July 9, 2019, 12:18:30 AM EDT, Yun Gao <yungao...@aliyun.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
>     For the three questions,
>   1. The processing time timer will be trigger. IMO you may think the
> processing time timer as in parallel with the event time timer. They are
> processed separately underlying. The processing time timer will be
> triggered according to the realistic time.
>   2. I'am not very clear on how to changed later in the application. Do
> you mean call `StreamExecutionEnvironment#setStreamTimeCharacteristics`
> multiple times ? If so, then the last call will take effect for all the
> operators before or after the last call, since the setting will only take
> effect in `StreamExecutionEnvironment#execute`.
>   3. 'assignTimeStampAndWatermark' will change the timestamp of the
> record. IMO you may think each record contains a timestamp field, and the
> filed is set when ingesting, but 'assignTimeStampAndWatermark' will change
> the value of this field, so the following operators relying on the
> timestamp will see the updated value.
> Best,
> Yun
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> From:M Singh <mans2si...@yahoo.com>
> Send Time:2019 Jul. 9 (Tue.) 09:42
> To:User <user@flink.apache.org>
> Subject:Apache Flink - Relation between stream time characteristic and
> timer triggers
> Hi:
> I have a few questions about the stream time characteristics:
> 1. If the time characteristic is set to TimeCharacteristic.EventTime, but
> the timers in a processor or trigger is set using
> registerProcessingTimeTimer (or vice versa), then will that timer fire ?
> 2.  Once the time character is set on the stream environment, and changed
> later in the application, which one is applied, the first one or the last
> one ?
> 3.  If the stream time characteristic is set to IngestionTime, then is
> there any adverse effect of assigning the timestamp using
> assignTimeStampAndWatermark to a stream later in the application ?
> Thanks

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