Thanks Bekir Oguz and Chesnay! Sorry for that, I forgot push the tag, I've pushed the tag to the repo now. Thanks again, and I'm very sorry for my negligence has caused confusion in your use.
Thanks, Jincheng Bekir Oguz <> 于2019年7月10日周三 上午12:50写道: > Hi, > I would like to build the 1.8.1 version of the flink-connector-kinesis > module but cannot find the release tag in GitHub repo. > I see release candidate 1 (release-1.8.1-rc1) tag, but not sure whether > this consists of all the 40 bug fixes in 1.8.1 or not. > > Which hash or tag should I use to release the flink-connector-kinesis > module? > > Regards, > Bekir Oguz > >