I  tried。 But the  MyProcessWindowFunction still not tigged when there's no 
event in the window

Any insight on this?

source.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<Map>() {
    public Watermark getCurrentWatermark() {
        return new Watermark(System.currentTimeMillis() - 10000);

    public long extractTimestamp(Map map, long l) {
        return System.currentTimeMillis();

From: Puneet Kinra
Date: 2019-05-24 17:02
To: wangl...@geekplus.com.cn
CC: user
Subject: Re: How can i just implement a crontab function using flink?
There is concept of periodic watermarker , you can use that
if you are working on eventtime.

On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 1:51 PM wangl...@geekplus.com.cn 
<wangl...@geekplus.com.cn> wrote:

I want to do something every one minute.

Using TumblingWindow, the function will not be triigged if there's no message 
received during this minute. But  i still need to execute the funtion.

How can i implement it ? 



Puneet Kinra

Mobile:+918800167808 | Skype : puneet.ki...@customercentria.com
e-mail :puneet.ki...@customercentria.com

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