Hi, I am working with nested JSON e.g.
{ "document": { "_id": "qwery", "meetingstatus": 3, "city": 100, "users": { "created": "5c9243033eee61a14e5b", "assigned": "5c9496ad1e91f10f44f" } }, "operation": "update" } Code usage: tableEnv.connect(new Kafka() .version("0.11") .topic(".....") .property("bootstrap.servers", bootStrapServer) .startFromGroupOffsets()) .withSchema(new Schema() .field("op", Types.STRING()) .from("operation") .field("agent", Types.INT()) *.from("document.user.created")* .field("ts", Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP()) .rowtime(new Rowtime() .timestampsFromField("document.updatedAt") .watermarksPeriodicBounded(2000) ) ) .withFormat(new Json().failOnMissingField(false) .jsonSchema("{\n" + " \"definitions\": {},\n" + " \"$schema\": \"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#\",\n" + ...... ) Seeing this exception: Exception in thread "main" org.apache.flink.table.api.ValidationException: Table field 'agent' was resolved to TableSource return type field 'document.users.created', but field 'document.users.created' was not found in the return type Row(document: Row(_id: String, meetingstatus: BigDecimal, city: BigDecimal, users: Row(created: String, assigned: String), ...), operation: String) of the TableSource. Please verify the field mapping of the TableSource. How should I address the nested properties and use it in .from() ? Thanks, Pramit