I wrote a small Flink program on a yarn cluster (128GB RAM, 8 core Xeon CPU for each node) essentially reading messages from kafka and applying a simple CEP rule on those messages. The program is expected to have a parallelism of 1 for input as my test kafka topic has only 1 partition. The program looks pretty much like this: FlinkKafkaConsumer<Databean> flinkKafkaConsumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer<>(sourceTopicName, deserializer, properties); flinkKafkaConsumer.setStartFromGroupOffsets(); flinkKafkaConsumer.setCommitOffsetsOnCheckpoints(true); flinkKafkaConsumer.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor<Databean>(Time.minutes(30)) { @Override public long extractTimestamp(Databean element) { return element.getTs(); } }); SingleOutputStreamOperator<Databean> kafkaSource = env.addSource(flinkKafkaConsumer) // Keying here is very slow??? KeyedStream<Databean, String> keyedStream = proxylogsStream.keyBy(bean -> bean.getUser()); Pattern<Databean, Databean> cepPattern = Pattern.<Databean> begin("firstStep", AfterMatchSkipStrategy.skipPastLastEvent()).where(new FirstFilter()) .followedBy("secondStep").where(new SecondFilter()) .within(Time.minutes(15)); PatternStream<Databean> patternMatchStream = CEP.pattern(keyedStream, cepPattern); SingleOutputStreamOperator<Alarmbean> beanAlerts = patternMatchStream.select(new MatchToAlarmConverter()); beanAlerts.addSink(new FlinkKafkaProducer<>(config.kafkaAlertsTopic, new AlarmBeanSerializeSchema(), properties)); The applied CEP filter "FirstFilter" and "SecondFilter" are very simple rules like return "humidity".equals(bean.getRecordedMetricType()) My Databean has round about 50 elements containing numbers and small strings (Up to 50 characters). Currently, I write 200.000 Elements into my Kafka topic every 5 minutes. 100.000 of those have the same username, i.e. all have the name "empty", and the other half are almost unique. (some random number between 1 and 100000000). The generated data timestamp randomly varies +-7.5 minutes between the generated timestamp (Generation time = time pushed into kafka). My CEP rule is written with conditions that never match, so the kafka sink as well as the stream select function can be eliminated as causes for the slow processing speeds. I start the application via yarn with: "${FLINK_HOME}/bin/yarn-session.sh" -n 4 -jm 4096m -tm 65536m --name "TESTJOB" -d ${FLINK_HOME}/bin/flink run -m ${FLINK_HOST} -d -n "${JOB_JAR}" $* So the job has plenty of RAM available, but I didn't note any difference in terms of speed when assigning 16G or 64G of RAM. As expected, I have a single task manager and parallelism 1. Now about my problem: Currently, the pipeline processes round about 150-300 elements per second. On startup, it peaks to 3000-4000 elements per second but slows down within one minute to 150-300 elements per second. I immediately expected CEP to be that slow (As this is my first CEP experiment), but I observed the following: 1. Even though CEP has quite some overhead (elements must be sorted on time), my rule is very simple and should, in my perspective, perform much better on that machine. My shot in the dark before was something like 10.000 - 100.000 elements/s. 2. None of my machine resources is fully utilized, i.e. none of the cluster CPU runs at 100% utilization (according to htop). And the memory is virtually available, but the RES column in htop states the processes uses 5499MB. 3. According to Flink GUI, the job is split into two tasks: First there is the source task, then there is a hash arrow to the second task (the keyBy?!) and the second is cep-pattern apply,convert and write to sink. From the UI, I know that in task 1 there is a HIGH backpressure whereas task 2 is OK in terms of backpressure measurement. Even more interesting: The metrics let me know that in the first task "0.buffers.outputQueueLength" is constantly on value 9 and "0.buffers.outPoolUsage" is constant on value 1. This goes along with the back pressure concept (The task is stuck writing to the buffer for the next stage as the next stage is consuming too slowly), however, the second task's metric tell me that "0.buffers.inputQueueLength" is constant on value 0 and "0.buffers.inPoolUsage" is constant on value 0 as well. "0.numRecodsInPerSecond" is about 150-300 elements/s. This lead me to suspect that I don't have a CEP problem but really have a problem with "keyBy" on localhost as the second task seem to immediately consume any messages in input queue it receives. My questions: 1. Is my observation correct that I indeed don't have a CEP problem but the keyBy causes the issue here? 2. Why is the queue limited to size 9? Seems really small compared to the memory available. I would have expected something like 10000 at least. 3. What happens internally here? In distributed mode, I understand that I have a distributed queue where sender queue size and receiver queue size can be different. But on the same machine, in the same JVM, I would have expected something like a BlockingQueue where both task metrics report the same queue size (i.e. task1.outputqueue == task2.inputqueue). I expect something happening there in between "task1 writes" and "task2 receives" which slows down the entire pipeline, but I have no idea on what that could be. 4. Can I do something in order to boost performance by magnitudes here? Best regards Theo Diefenthal