Hi Zhijiang
Thanks for the clarification we were thinking about the very same solution,
we'll then go in this direction.


zhijiang <wangzhijiang...@aliyun.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. ápr. 15., H,

> Hi Peter,
> The lifecycle of these metrics are coupled with lifecycle of task, So the
> metrics would be initialized after task is restarted. I think of one
> possible option is that you could store your required metrics into state,
> then the metric states would be restored from backend after task is
> restarted.
> Best,
> Zhijiang
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> From:Peter Zende <peter.ze...@gmail.com>
> Send Time:2019年4月14日(星期日) 00:25
> To:user <user@flink.apache.org>
> Subject:Retain metrics counters across task restarts
> Hi all
> We're exposing Prometheus metrics from our Flink (v1.7.1) pipeline to
> Prometheus, e.g: the total number of processed records. This works fine
> until any of the tasks is restarted within this yarn application. Then the
> counter is reset and it starts incrementing values from 0.
> How can we retain such counter through the entire lifetime of the yarn
> application similarly to Hadoop counters?
> Thanks
> Peter

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