Hi Esa,

Flink's implementation of SQL MATCH_RECOGNIZE is based on it's CEP library,
i.e., they share the same implementation.

Best, Fabian

Am Do., 11. Apr. 2019 um 10:29 Uhr schrieb Esa Heikkinen (TAU) <

> Hi
> Is SQL CEP based (old) FlinkCEP at all and are SQL CEP and FlinkCEP
> completely separate ?
> BR Esa
> *From:* Dian Fu <dian0511...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 4, 2019 2:37 PM
> *To:* Esa Heikkinen (TAU) <esa.heikki...@tuni.fi>
> *Cc:* jincheng sun <sunjincheng...@gmail.com>; user@flink.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: FlinkCEP and SQL?
> Should the all sources be combined into one big table before operations
> with SQL CEP?
> Yes, you should combine them into one table/stream.
> Regards,
> Dian
> 在 2019年4月4日,下午7:11,Esa Heikkinen (TAU) <esa.heikki...@tuni.fi> 写道:
> Hi
> Thank you for the information. How this SQL CEP is applicable for
> situation where there are many sources with different type of events ? Should
> the all sources be combined into one big table before operations with SQL
> CEP?
> BR Esa
> *From:* jincheng sun <sunjincheng...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 4, 2019 1:05 PM
> *To:* Esa Heikkinen (TAU) <esa.heikki...@tuni.fi>
> *Cc:* user@flink.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: FlinkCEP and SQL?
> Hi BR Esa,
> CEP is available in Flink SQL, Please the detail here:
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.7/dev/table/sql.html#pattern-recognition
> Best,
> Jincheng
> Esa Heikkinen (TAU) <esa.heikki...@tuni.fi> 于2019年4月4日周四 下午4:44写道:
> Hi
> What is the situation of FlinkCEP and SQL?
> Is it already possible to use SQL in CEP?
> Is there any example cases where SQL is used in CEP?
> BR Esa

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