One approach I use is to write the git commit sha to the jars manifest
while compiling it (I don't use semantic versioning but rather use commit

Then at runtime I read the implementationVersion
(class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion()), and print that in the job


On Mon, Apr 8, 2019, 4:29 PM Bruno Aranda <> wrote:

> Hi Avi,
> Don't know if there are better ways, but we store the version of the job
> running and other metadata as part of the "User configuration" of the job,
> so it shows in the UI when you go to the job Configuration tab inside the
> job. To do so, when we create the job:
> val buildInfo = new Configuration()
> buildInfo.setString("version", "0.1.0")
> val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.*getExecutionEnvironment
> *env.getConfig.setGlobalJobParameters(buildInfo)
> ...
> It helps us to have a convenient way of knowing what version of the jobs
> are running, when they were built, etc...
> Cheers,
> Bruno
> On Mon, 8 Apr 2019 at 18:04, Avi Levi <> wrote:
>> Is there a way to add some metadata to the jar and see it on dashboard ?
>> I couldn't find a way to do so but I think it very useful.
>> Consider that you want to know which version is actually running in the
>> job manager (not just which jar is uploaded which is not necessary being
>> running at the moment ), AFAIK by looking at dashboard there is no way to
>> know which jar / version is actually executing. Well as a workaround you
>> can add something to the job name but this is a limited option, what if one
>> wants to add more info programatically?
>> Is there a way to do it ?
>> BR
>> Avi

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