Thanks Konstantin,
                            That makes sense. To give you some context, the
reason we are gravitating towards Queryable State is the architectural
preference of Prometheus to scrape ( pull rather then push model ) and our
intent to expose aggregations. That said your idea makes sense. The worry I
had is the ip resolution of TMs that QueryableStateClient does and our
wanting to avoid static ips . If I understand correctly you are proposing a
proxy "external" to the Job deployment, as in an external service that
discovers the job and  works off the ingress End Point that exposes the
Queryable Port of the TMs ?

That creates a fragmented architecture that I wanted to avoid, iff I
understood your advise correctly.


On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 5:42 AM Konstantin Knauf <>

> Hi Vishal,
> my approach would be a single Kubernetes service, which is backed by all
> Taskmanagers of the job. The Taskmanagers will proxy the request for a
> specific key to the correct Taskmanager. Yes, the Taskmanagers will cache
> the location of the key groups.
> In addition to this Kubernetes service, you can of course have a
> Jetty/Jersey REST based server that sends queries to this service.
> Please le me know if this works for you.
> Hope this helps and cheers,
> Konstantin
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 12:37 AM Vishal Santoshi <
>> wrote:
>> I think I got a handle on this. For those who might want to do this
>> Here are the steps ( I could share the  Jetty/Jersey REST code too is
>> required )
>> *1.* Create a side car container on each pod that has a TM. I wrote a
>> simple Jetty/Jersey REST based server that  execute queries against the
>> local TM query server.
>>   .
>>   .
>>   - name: queryable-state
>>         image: _IMAGE_
>>         args: ["queryable-state"]
>>         env:
>>           - name: POD_IP
>>             valueFrom:
>>               fieldRef:
>>                 fieldPath: status.podIP
>>         ports:
>>           - containerPort: 9999
>>             name: qstate-client
>>         resources:
>>           requests:
>>             cpu: "0.25"
>>             memory: "256Mi"
>>    Note that POD_IP is the ip used by the REST based server to start the
>> QueryableStateClient and the port is the default port of the TM query
>> server ( 9069 I think ) of the colocated TM container.
>> *2.* Expose the port ( in this case 9999 ) at the k8s service layer.
>> And that did it.
>> I though am worried about a couple of things
>> *1*.
>>  The  TM query server will ask JM for the key group and hence the TM a
>> key belongs to for every request and then coordinate the coummunication
>> between the client and that TM. Does flink do any optimzation, as in cache
>> the key ranges and thus the affinity to a TM to reduce JM stress. I would
>> imagine that being some well known distribution function on some well known
>> hash algorithm, an incident key could be pinned to a TM without visiting
>> the JM more then once.
>> *2. *
>> We do have use cases where we would want to iterate over all the keys in
>> a key group ( and by extension on a TM ) for a job. Is that a possibility ?
>> *3. *
>> The overhead of having as many client containers as TMs.
>> Any advise/ideas on the 3 worry points ?
>> Regards
>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 8:57 PM Vishal Santoshi <
>>> wrote:
>>> I  have 2 options
>>> 1. A Rest Based,  in my case a Jetty/REST based QueryableStateClient  in
>>> a side car container colocated on JM  ( Though it could on all TMs but that
>>> looks to an overkill )
>>> 2.A Rest Based,  in my case a Jetty/REST based QueryableStateClient  in
>>> a side car container colocated on TMs.  The Query Proxies are on the TMs,
>>> so in essence the communication would be within containers of the POD and I
>>> could load balance ( have ot test  )
>>> The second alternative seems doable, but looks an overkill  but am not
>>> sure how to establish a TM on the standalone QueryableStateClient, given
>>> that TM's pod IP is not known till the pod is launched.
>>> Has anyone had a successful QueryableState setup for flink  on k8s?
>>> Regards,
> --
> Konstantin Knauf | Solutions Architect
> +49 160 91394525
> <>
> Follow us @VervericaData
> --
> Join Flink Forward <> - The Apache Flink
> Conference
> Stream Processing | Event Driven | Real Time
> --
> Data Artisans GmbH | Invalidenstrasse 115, 10115 Berlin, Germany
> --
> Data Artisans GmbH
> Registered at Amtsgericht Charlottenburg: HRB 158244 B
> Managing Directors: Dr. Kostas Tzoumas, Dr. Stephan Ewen

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