
Regarding the support for savepoint reading / writing / processing directly
in core Flink, we've been thinking about that lately and might push a bit
for adding the functionality to Flink in the next release.
For example, beside Bravo, Seth (CC'ed) also had implemented something [1]
for this. We should start thinking about converging the efforts of similar
tools and supporting it in Flink soon.
There's no official JIRA / feature proposal for this yet, but if you're
interested, please keep an eye on the dev mailing list for it in the future.


[1] https://github.com/sjwiesman/flink/tree/savepoint-connector

On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 4:26 PM Gyula Fóra <gyula.f...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I dont think there is any ongoing effort in core Flink other than this
> library we created.
> You are probably right that it is pretty hacky at the moment. I would say
> this one way we could do it that seemed convenient to me at the time I have
> written the code.
> If you have ideas how to structure it better or improve it, you know
> where to find the code, feel free to open a PR :) That might actually takes
> us closer to having this properly in flink one day soon.
> Just to clarify the code you are showing:
> writer.writeAll() -> Runs the batch job that writes the checkpoint files
> for the changed operator states, returns the reference to the OperatorState
> metadata object
> StateMetadataUtils.createNewSavepoint() -> Replaces the metadata for the
> operator states you have just written in the previous savepoint
> StateMetadataUtils.writeSavepointMetadata() -> Writes a new metadata file
> So metadata writing happens as the very last step after the batch job has
> run. This is similar to how it works in streaming jobs in the sense there
> the jobmanager writes the metafile after the checkpointing is done. The
> downside of this approach is that the client might not have access to write
> the metafile here.
> Gyula

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