Hello folks, I have flink 1.7.2 working with hadoop 2.6 and b'coz there is no in build truncate ( in hadoop 2.6 ) I am writing a method to cleanup ( truncate ) part files based on the length in the valid-length files dropped by flink during restore. I see some thing very strange
hadoop fs -cat hdfs://n*********/*******/dt=2019-03-07/_part-9-0.valid-length *1765887805* hadoop fs -ls hdfs://nn-crunchy:8020/tmp/kafka-to-hdfs/ls_kraken_events/dt=2019-03-07/part-9-0 -rw-r--r-- 3 root hadoop *1280845815* 2019-03-07 16:00 hdfs://**********/dt=2019-03-07/part-9-0 I see the valid-length file reporting a larger length then the part file itself. Any clue why would that be the case ? Regards.