The community no longer actively supports Flink < 1.6. Therefore I would
try out whether you can upgrade to one of the latest versions. However, be
aware that we reworked Flink's distributed architecture which slightly
affected the scheduling behavior. In your case, it should actually be
beneficial because it will do what you are looking for.


On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 8:13 PM Le Xu <> wrote:

> 1.3.2 -- should I update to the latest version?
> Thanks,
> Le
> On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 4:24 AM Till Rohrmann <> wrote:
>> Which version of Flink are you using?
>> On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 10:58 PM Le Xu <> wrote:
>>> Hi Till:
>>> Thanks for the reply. The setup of the jobs is roughly as follows: For a
>>> cluster with N machines, we deploy X simple map/reduce style jobs (the job
>>> DAG and settings are exactly the same, except they consumes different
>>> data). Each job has N mappers (they are evenly distributed, one mapper on
>>> each machine).There are X mappers on each machine (as there are X jobs in
>>> total). Each job has only one reducer where all mappers point to. What I'm
>>> observing is that all reducers are allocated to machine 1 (where all mapper
>>> 1 from every job is allocated to).  It does make sense since reducer and
>>> mapper 1 are in the same slot group. The original purpose of the questions
>>> is to find out whether it is possible to explicitly specify that reducer
>>> can be co-located with another mapper (such as mapper 2 so the reducer of
>>> job 2 can be placed on machine 2). Just trying to figure out if it is all
>>> possible without using more expensive approach (through YARN for example).
>>> But if it is not possible I will see if I can move to job mode as Piotr
>>> suggests.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Le
>>> On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 9:24 AM Till Rohrmann <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hard to tell whether this is related to FLINK-11815.
>>>> To me the setup is not fully clear. Let me try to sum it up: According
>>>> to Le Xu's description there are n jobs running on a session cluster. I
>>>> assume that every TaskManager has n slots. The observed behaviour is that
>>>> every job allocates the slot for the first mapper and chained sink from the
>>>> first TM, right? Since Flink does not give strict guarantees for the slot
>>>> allocation this is possible, however it should be highly unlikely or at
>>>> least change when re-executing the same setup. At the moment there is no
>>>> functionality in place to control the task-slot assignment.
>>>> Chaining only affects which task will be grouped together and executed
>>>> by the same Task (being executed by the same thread). Separate tasks can
>>>> still be executed in the same slot if they have the same slot sharing
>>>> group. This means that there can be multiple threads running in each slot.
>>>> For me it would be helpful to get more information about the actual job
>>>> deployments.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Till
>>>> On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 12:00 PM Piotr Nowojski <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Le,
>>>>> As I wrote, you can try running Flink in job mode, which spawns
>>>>> separate clusters per each job.
>>>>> Till, is this issue covered by FLINK-11815
>>>>> <> ? Is this the
>>>>> same as:
>>>>> > Known issues:
>>>>> > 1. (…)
>>>>> > 2. if task slots are registered before slot request, the code have a
>>>>> tendency to group requests together on the same machine because we
>>>>> are using a LinkedHashMap
>>>>> ?
>>>>> Piotrek
>>>>> On 4 Mar 2019, at 21:08, Le Xu <> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Piotr.
>>>>> I didn't realize that the email attachment isn't working so the
>>>>> example I was referring to was this figure from Flink website:
>>>>> So I try to run multiple jobs concurrently in a cluster -- the jobs
>>>>> are identical and the DAG looks very similar to the one in the figure. 
>>>>> Each
>>>>> machine holds one map task from each job. I end up with X number of sinks
>>>>> on machine 1 (X being the number of jobs). I assume this is caused by the
>>>>> operator chaining (so that all sinks are chained to mapper 1 all end up on
>>>>> machine 1). But I also tried disabling chaining but I still get the same
>>>>> result. Some how even when the sink and the map belongs to different
>>>>> threads they are still placed in the same slot.
>>>>> My goal was to see whether it is possible to have sinks evenly
>>>>> distributed across the cluster (instead of all on machine 1). One way to 
>>>>> do
>>>>> this is to see if it is ok to chained the sink to one of the other mapper
>>>>> -- the other way is to see if we can change the placement of the mapper
>>>>> altogether (like placing map 1 of job 2 on machine 2, map 1 of job 3 on
>>>>> machine 3 so we end up with sinks sit evenly throughout the cluster).
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Le
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 4, 2019 at 6:49 AM Piotr Nowojski <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Are you asking the question if that’s the behaviour or you have
>>>>>> actually observed this issue? I’m not entirely sure, but I would guess 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> the Sink tasks would be distributed randomly across the cluster, but 
>>>>>> maybe
>>>>>> I’m mixing this issue with resource allocations for Task Managers. Maybe
>>>>>> Till will know something more about this?
>>>>>> One thing that might have solve/workaround the issue is to run those
>>>>>> jobs in the job mode (one cluster per job), not in cluster mode, since
>>>>>> containers for Task Managers are created/requested randomly.
>>>>>> Piotrek
>>>>>> On 2 Mar 2019, at 23:53, Le Xu <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello!
>>>>>> I'm trying to find out if there a way to force task slot sharing
>>>>>> within a job. The example on the website looks like the following (as in
>>>>>> the screenshot)
>>>>>> <image.png>
>>>>>> In this example, the single sink is slot-sharing with source/map (1)
>>>>>> and window operator (1). If I deploy multiple identical jobs shown above,
>>>>>> all sink operators would be placed on the first machine (which creates an
>>>>>> unbalanced scenario). Is there a way to avoid this situation (i.e., to 
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> sink operators of different jobs spread evenly across the task slots for
>>>>>> the entire cluster). Specifically, I was wondering if either of the
>>>>>> following options are possible:
>>>>>> 1. To force Sink[1] to be slot sharing with mapper from a different
>>>>>> partition on other slots such as (source[2] and window[2]).
>>>>>> 2. If option 1 is not possible, is there a "hacky" way for Flink to
>>>>>> deploy jobs starting from a different machine: e.g. For job 2, it can
>>>>>> allocate source/map[1], window[1], sink[1] to machine 2 instead of again 
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> machine 1. In this way the slot-sharing groups are still the same, but we
>>>>>> end up having sinks from the two jobs on different machines.
>>>>>> Thanks!

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