Hi Stephan,

Yes. I completely agree. Jincheng & Jark gave some very valuable feedbacks
and suggestions and I think we can definitely move the conversation forward
to reach a more concrete doc first before we put in to the roadmap. Thanks
for reviewing it and driving the roadmap effort!


On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 8:50 AM Stephan Ewen <se...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Rong Rong!
> I would add the security / kerberos threads to the roadmap. They seem to
> be advanced enough in the discussions so that there is clarity what will
> come.
> For the window operator with slicing, I would personally like to see the
> discussion advance and have some more clarity and consensus on the feature
> before adding it to the roadmap. Not having that in the first version of
> the roadmap does not mean there will be no activity. And when the
> discussion advances well in the next weeks, we can update the roadmap soon.
> What do you think?
> Best,
> Stephan
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 5:46 PM Rong Rong <walter...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Stephan,
>> Thanks for the clarification, yes I think these issues has already been
>> discussed in previous mailing list threads [1,2,3].
>> I also agree that updating the "official" roadmap every release is a very
>> good idea to avoid frequent update.
>> One question I might've been a bit confusion is: are we suggesting to
>> keep one roadmap on the documentation site (e.g. [4]) per release, or
>> simply just one most up-to-date roadmap in the main website [5] ?
>> Just like the release notes in every release, the former will probably
>> provide a good tracker for users to look back at previous roadmaps as well
>> I am assuming.
>> Thanks,
>> Rong
>> [1]
>> http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.com/DISCUSS-Improvement-to-Flink-Window-Operator-with-Slicing-td25750.html
>> [2]
>> http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.com/DISCUSS-Flink-security-improvements-td21068.html
>> [3]
>> http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.com/DISCUSS-Flink-Kerberos-Improvement-td25983.html
>> [4] https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.7/
>> [5] https://flink.apache.org/
>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 2:26 AM Stephan Ewen <se...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> I think the website is better as well.
>>> I agree with Fabian that the wiki is not so visible, and visibility is
>>> the main motivation.
>>> This type of roadmap overview would not be updated by everyone - letting
>>> committers update the roadmap means the listed threads are actually
>>> happening at the moment.
>>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 11:14 AM Fabian Hueske <fhue...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I like the idea of putting the roadmap on the website because it is
>>>> much more visible (and IMO more credible, obligatory) there.
>>>> However, I share the concerns about frequent updates.
>>>> It think it would be great to update the "official" roadmap on the
>>>> website once per release (-bugfix releases), i.e., every three month.
>>>> We can use the wiki to collect and draft the roadmap for the next
>>>> update.
>>>> Best, Fabian
>>>> Am Do., 14. Feb. 2019 um 11:03 Uhr schrieb Jeff Zhang <zjf...@gmail.com
>>>> >:
>>>>> Hi Stephan,
>>>>> Thanks for this proposal. It is a good idea to track the roadmap. One
>>>>> suggestion is that it might be better to put it into wiki page first.
>>>>> Because it is easier to update the roadmap on wiki compared to on flink 
>>>>> web
>>>>> site. And I guess we may need to update the roadmap very often at the
>>>>> beginning as there's so many discussions and proposals in community
>>>>> recently. We can move it into flink web site later when we feel it could 
>>>>> be
>>>>> nailed down.
>>>>> Stephan Ewen <se...@apache.org> 于2019年2月14日周四 下午5:44写道:
>>>>>> Thanks Jincheng and Rong Rong!
>>>>>> I am not deciding a roadmap and making a call on what features should
>>>>>> be developed or not. I was only collecting broader issues that are 
>>>>>> already
>>>>>> happening or have an active FLIP/design discussion plus committer 
>>>>>> support.
>>>>>> Do we have that for the suggested issues as well? If yes , we can add
>>>>>> them (can you point me to the issue/mail-thread), if not, let's try and
>>>>>> move the discussion forward and add them to the roadmap overview then.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Stephan
>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 6:47 PM Rong Rong <walter...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Stephan for the great proposal.
>>>>>>> This would not only be beneficial for new users but also for
>>>>>>> contributors to keep track on all upcoming features.
>>>>>>> I think that better window operator support can also be separately
>>>>>>> group into its own category, as they affects both future DataStream API 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> batch stream unification.
>>>>>>> can we also include:
>>>>>>> - OVER aggregate for DataStream API separately as @jincheng
>>>>>>> suggested.
>>>>>>> - Improving sliding window operator [1]
>>>>>>> One more additional suggestion, can we also include a more
>>>>>>> extendable security module [2,3] @shuyi and I are currently working on?
>>>>>>> This will significantly improve the usability for Flink in corporate
>>>>>>> environments where proprietary or 3rd-party security integration is 
>>>>>>> needed.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Rong
>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.com/DISCUSS-Improvement-to-Flink-Window-Operator-with-Slicing-td25750.html
>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>> http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.com/DISCUSS-Flink-security-improvements-td21068.html
>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>> http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.com/DISCUSS-Flink-Kerberos-Improvement-td25983.html
>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 3:39 AM jincheng sun <
>>>>>>> sunjincheng...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Very excited and thank you for launching such a great discussion,
>>>>>>>> Stephan !
>>>>>>>> Here only a little suggestion that in the Batch Streaming
>>>>>>>> Unification section, do we need to add an item:
>>>>>>>> - Same window operators on bounded/unbounded Table API and
>>>>>>>> DataStream API
>>>>>>>> (currently OVER window only exists in SQL/TableAPI, DataStream API
>>>>>>>> does not yet support)
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Jincheng
>>>>>>>> Stephan Ewen <se...@apache.org> 于2019年2月13日周三 下午7:21写道:
>>>>>>>>> Hi all!
>>>>>>>>> Recently several contributors, committers, and users asked about
>>>>>>>>> making it more visible in which way the project is currently going.
>>>>>>>>> Users and developers can track the direction by following the
>>>>>>>>> discussion threads and JIRA, but due to the mass of discussions and 
>>>>>>>>> open
>>>>>>>>> issues, it is very hard to get a good overall picture.
>>>>>>>>> Especially for new users and contributors, is is very hard to get
>>>>>>>>> a quick overview of the project direction.
>>>>>>>>> To fix this, I suggest to add a brief roadmap summary to the
>>>>>>>>> homepage. It is a bit of a commitment to keep that roadmap up to 
>>>>>>>>> date, but
>>>>>>>>> I think the benefit for users justifies that.
>>>>>>>>> The Apache Beam project has added such a roadmap [1]
>>>>>>>>> <https://beam.apache.org/roadmap/>, which was received very well
>>>>>>>>> by the community, I would suggest to follow a similar structure here.
>>>>>>>>> If the community is in favor of this, I would volunteer to write a
>>>>>>>>> first version of such a roadmap. The points I would include are below.
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Stephan
>>>>>>>>> [1] https://beam.apache.org/roadmap/
>>>>>>>>> ========================================================
>>>>>>>>> Disclaimer: Apache Flink is not governed or steered by any one
>>>>>>>>> single entity, but by its community and Project Management Committee 
>>>>>>>>> (PMC).
>>>>>>>>> This is not a authoritative roadmap in the sense of a plan with a 
>>>>>>>>> specific
>>>>>>>>> timeline. Instead, we share our vision for the future and major 
>>>>>>>>> initiatives
>>>>>>>>> that are receiving attention and give users and contributors an
>>>>>>>>> understanding what they can look forward to.
>>>>>>>>> *Future Role of Table API and DataStream API*
>>>>>>>>>   - Table API becomes first class citizen
>>>>>>>>>   - Table API becomes primary API for analytics use cases
>>>>>>>>>       * Declarative, automatic optimizations
>>>>>>>>>       * No manual control over state and timers
>>>>>>>>>   - DataStream API becomes primary API for applications and data
>>>>>>>>> pipeline use cases
>>>>>>>>>       * Physical, user controls data types, no magic or optimizer
>>>>>>>>>       * Explicit control over state and time
>>>>>>>>> *Batch Streaming Unification*
>>>>>>>>>   - Table API unification (environments) (FLIP-32)
>>>>>>>>>   - New unified source interface (FLIP-27)
>>>>>>>>>   - Runtime operator unification & code reuse between DataStream /
>>>>>>>>> Table
>>>>>>>>>   - Extending Table API to make it convenient API for all
>>>>>>>>> analytical use cases (easier mix in of UDFs)
>>>>>>>>>   - Same join operators on bounded/unbounded Table API and
>>>>>>>>> DataStream API
>>>>>>>>> *Faster Batch (Bounded Streams)*
>>>>>>>>>   - Much of this comes via Blink contribution/merging
>>>>>>>>>   - Fine-grained Fault Tolerance on bounded data (Table API)
>>>>>>>>>   - Batch Scheduling on bounded data (Table API)
>>>>>>>>>   - External Shuffle Services Support on bounded streams
>>>>>>>>>   - Caching of intermediate results on bounded data (Table API)
>>>>>>>>>   - Extending DataStream API to explicitly model bounded streams
>>>>>>>>> (API breaking)
>>>>>>>>>   - Add fine fault tolerance, scheduling, caching also to
>>>>>>>>> DataStream API
>>>>>>>>> *Streaming State Evolution*
>>>>>>>>>   - Let all built-in serializers support stable evolution
>>>>>>>>>   - First class support for other evolvable formats (Protobuf,
>>>>>>>>> Thrift)
>>>>>>>>>   - Savepoint input/output format to modify / adjust savepoints
>>>>>>>>> *Simpler Event Time Handling*
>>>>>>>>>   - Event Time Alignment in Sources
>>>>>>>>>   - Simpler out-of-the box support in sources
>>>>>>>>> *Checkpointing*
>>>>>>>>>   - Consistency of Side Effects: suspend / end with savepoint
>>>>>>>>> (FLIP-34)
>>>>>>>>>   - Failed checkpoints explicitly aborted on TaskManagers (not
>>>>>>>>> only on coordinator)
>>>>>>>>> *Automatic scaling (adjusting parallelism)*
>>>>>>>>>   - Reactive scaling
>>>>>>>>>   - Active scaling policies
>>>>>>>>> *Kubernetes Integration*
>>>>>>>>>   - Active Kubernetes Integration (Flink actively manages
>>>>>>>>> containers)
>>>>>>>>> *SQL Ecosystem*
>>>>>>>>>   - Extended Metadata Stores / Catalog / Schema Registries support
>>>>>>>>>   - DDL support
>>>>>>>>>   - Integration with Hive Ecosystem
>>>>>>>>> *Simpler Handling of Dependencies*
>>>>>>>>>   - Scala in the APIs, but not in the core (hide in separate class
>>>>>>>>> loader)
>>>>>>>>>   - Hadoop-free by default
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>> Jeff Zhang

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