Hi John,

you are right that there was not much progress in the last years around these two FLIPs. Mostly due to shift of priorities. However, with the big Blink code contribution from Alibaba and joint development forces for a unified batch and streaming runtime [1], it is very likely that also iterations and thus machine learning algorithms will see more development efforts.

The community is working on roadmap page for the website. And I can already reveal that a new iterations model is mentioned there. The new Flink roadmap page can be expected in the next 2-3 weeks.

I hope this information helps.


[1] https://flink.apache.org/news/2019/02/13/unified-batch-streaming-blink.html

Am 19.02.19 um 12:47 schrieb John Tipper:
Hi All,

Does anyone know what the current status is for FLIP-16 (loop fault tolerance) 
and FLIP-15 (redesign iterations) please? I can see lots of work back in 2016, 
but it all seemed to stop and go quiet since about March 2017. I see iterations 
as offering very interesting capabilities for Flink, so it would be good to 
understand how we can get this moving again.

Many thanks,


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