Thank you Fabian,

That's good, I'll go for a custom File input stream.

All the best


Le lun. 4 févr. 2019 à 12:10, Fabian Hueske <> a écrit :

> Hi,
> The files will be read in a streaming fashion.
> Typically files are broken down into processing splits that are
> distributed to tasks for reading.
> How a task reads a file split depends on the implementation, but usually
> the format reads the split as a stream and does not read the split as a
> whole before emitting records.
> Best,
> Fabian
> Am Mo., 4. Feb. 2019 um 12:06 Uhr schrieb françois lacombe <
>> Hi Fabian,
>> Thank you for this input.
>> This is interesting.
>> With such an input format, will all the file will be loaded in memory
>> before to be processed or will all be streamed?
>> All the best
>> François
>> Le mar. 29 janv. 2019 à 22:20, Fabian Hueske <> a
>> écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> You can point a file-based input format to a directory and the input
>>> format should read all files in that directory.
>>> That works as well for TableSources that are internally use file-based
>>> input formats.
>>> Is that what you are looking for?
>>> Best, Fabian
>>> Am Mo., 28. Jan. 2019 um 17:22 Uhr schrieb françois lacombe <
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm wondering if it's possible and what's the best way to achieve the
>>>> loading of multiple files with a Json source to a JDBC sink ?
>>>> I'm running Flink 1.7.0
>>>> Let's say I have about 1500 files with the same structure (same format,
>>>> schema, everything) and I want to load them with a *batch* job
>>>> Can Flink handle the loading of one and each file in a single source
>>>> and send data to my JDBC sink?
>>>> I wish I can provide the URL of the directory containing my thousand
>>>> files to the batch source to make it load all of them sequentially.
>>>> My sources and sinks are currently available for BatchTableSource, I
>>>> guess the cost to make them available for streaming would be quite
>>>> expensive for me for the moment.
>>>> Have someone ever done this?
>>>> Am I wrong to expect doing so with a batch job?
>>>> All the best
>>>> François Lacombe
>>>> <>   <>
>>>>    <>
>>>> <>
>>>> [image: Arbre vert.jpg] Pensez à la planète, imprimer ce papier que si
>>>> nécessaire
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>> <>
>> <>
>> [image: Arbre vert.jpg] Pensez à la planète, imprimer ce papier que si
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