Hi, Nhan
There is only one way I know to sum up all the parallel operator instances:
set parallel to 1.


Thanh-Nhan Vo <thanh-nhan...@bleckwen.ai> 于2019年1月25日周五 下午4:38写道:

> Hi Congixan Wiu,
> Thank you for your answer.
> If I understand well, each operator state is bound to one parallel
> operator instance.
> Indeed, I expect to get the total number of all parallel operator
> instances.
> Is there a way to sum up all these operator states , please?
> Best regard,
> Nhan
> *De :* Congxian Qiu [mailto:qcx978132...@gmail.com]
> *Envoyé :* vendredi 25 janvier 2019 07:30
> *À :* Kien Truong <duckientru...@gmail.com>
> *Cc :* Thanh-Nhan Vo <thanh-nhan...@bleckwen.ai>; user@flink.apache.org
> *Objet :* Re: [Flink 1.6] How to get current total number of processed
> events
> Hi, Nhan
> Do you want the total number of the current parallelism or the operator?
> If you want the total number of the current parallelism, Is the operator
> state[1] satisfied with your use case?
> [1]
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.7/dev/stream/state/state.html#operator-state
> Kien Truong <duckientru...@gmail.com> 于2019年1月24日周四 下午7:45写道:
> Hi Nhan,
> You can store the max/min value using the value states of a
> KeyedProcessFunction,
> or in the global state of a ProcessWindowFunction.
> On processing each item, compare its value to the current max/min and
> update the stored value as needed.
> Regards,
> Kien
> On 1/24/2019 12:37 AM, Thanh-Nhan Vo wrote:
> Hi Kien Truong,
> Thank you for your answer. I have another question, please !
> If I count the number of messages processed for a given key j (denoted
> c_j), is there a way to retrieve max{c_j}, min{c_j}?
> Thanks
> *De :* Kien Truong [mailto:duckientru...@gmail.com
> <duckientru...@gmail.com>]
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 23 janvier 2019 16:04
> *À :* user@flink.apache.org
> *Objet :* Re: [Flink 1.6] How to get current total number of processed
> events
> Hi Nhan,
> Logically, the total number of processed events before an event cannot be
> accurately calculated unless events processing are synchronized.
> This is not scalable, so naturally I don't think Flink supports it.
> Although, I suppose you can get an approximate count by using a non-keyed
> TumblingWindow, count the item inside the window, then use that value in
> the next window.
> Regards,
> Kien
> On 1/21/2019 9:34 PM, Thanh-Nhan Vo wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a question, please !
> I’m using Flink 1.6 to process our data in streaming mode.
> I wonder if at a given event, there is a way to get the current total
> number of processed events (before this event).
> If possible, I want to get this total number of processed events as a
> value state in Keystream.
> It means that for a given key in KeyStream, I want to retrieve not only
> the total number of processed events for this key but also the total number
> of processed events for all keys.
> There is a way to do this in Flink 1.6, please!
> Best regard,
> Nhan
> --
> Best,
> Congxian


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