Hi Oliver,
Try replacing Global Window with a KeyedProcessFunction.
Store all the item received between CalcStart and CalcEnd inside a
ListState the process them when CalcEnd is received.
On 1/17/2019 1:06 AM, Oliver Buckley-Salmon wrote:
I have a Flink job where I receive a stream of AggregationKeys, stored
in BroadcastState which I join in a Tuple2 with a stream of
RiskMeasureMessages, which I then wish to aggregate in a Window.
The RiskMeasureMessages are bounded by CalcStart and CalcEnd messages
which come on separate Kafka topics, we can ignore CalcStart but need
to emit the aggregated results after receiving CalcEnd. The CalcEnd
messages are unkeyed.
My issue is how to get the CalcEnd message to the Trigger to use in
the onElement() method, the only way I can see to do it is to create a
co-stream but I don’t see how to Window and Trigger that, or merge the
co-stream into Tuple3 wich would have Null for the 3^rd element all
the time except when EndCalc is received.
Are there better ways for doing this?
I’m running Flink 1.7.1 using the Java API.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards,
Oliver Buckley-Salmon
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