Thanks. That makes sense :)

From: Kostas Kloudas <>
Date: Friday, 18 January 2019 at 8:25 PM
To: Harshith Kumar Bolar <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: [External] Re: Is there a way to find the age of an element in a 
Global window?

Hi Harshith,

The evictor has 2 methods:
void evictBefore(Iterable<TimestampedValue<T>> elements, int size, W window, 
EvictorContext evictorContext);
void evictAfter(Iterable<TimestampedValue<T>> elements, int size, W window, 
EvictorContext evictorContext);

In the iterables, you have access to the elements and their timestamps, and the 
evictor context gives you access to the current watermark
and current processing time.

Based on this information, you can call remove on the iterator created by the 
iterable and clean up the elements that you want to remove.
If you operate on event time, and you want to clean up base on processing time, 
then you can put a processFunction or a map before
you window operator, put the System.currentTimeMillis in the record itself, and 
the use the evictor and the currentProcessing time to clean up.

I hope this helps,

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 9:25 AM Kumar Bolar, Harshith 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm using Global Windows for my application with a custom trigger and custom 
evictor based on some conditions. Now, I also want to evict those elements from 
the window that have stayed there for too long, let's say 30 mins. How would I 
go about doing this? Is there a utility that Flink provides that lets me know 
what the age of an element in a window is?


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